help with trilliums

Jackson, TN(Zone 7a)

I just got two different kinds of trilliums from a co-op that go vols did here at Dave's. I was doing some research and on piece of info said that if I was going to grow them in pots that they should be sealed in a plastic bag with damp growing medium in the refrig. until spring. Won't they rot? I also haven't found any information on how deep to plant the little rhizomes. Can anybody help?


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Melissa, I'm sure you'll get some good advice from those more experienced with Trilliums than I am, but I wouldn't follow the refrigeration advice. I'm potting up mine in 4" pots, and will keep them in a cold frame until spring, only because my area for them isn't quite ready, yet. Otherwise, I'd put them right in the ground.

I found some Trillium (cuneatum, probably) two years ago, growing in the middle of a liriope grass clump, in pure clay, full sun next to the concrete driveway (talk about terrible conditions!)

I carefully separated them from the liriope, and planted them about 2" deep in a partial shade setting and they've done fine. Each fall, I make sure they get a scattering of mulched leaves, much as they would in an open forest setting...and that's about it.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

What about sticking the pots in the ground and mulching? That would mimic natural conditions, wouldn't it? And, still leave the trilliums in a pot to relocate elsewhere later. Cannot speak from experience as mine are in the ground.

Jackson, TN(Zone 7a)

Wow, great info. Thanks folks. Sorry for the delay in getting back to this thread. My kids have been real sick for about a week.

go_vols: I had considered asking you through email, but didn't want to burden you anymore than you already were with the co-op. Thanks a million for doing it. I did go ahead and pot everything up the day I got them, kinda guessing at the depth for them all. I looked and looked an found some really good info at plantfinders but nothing on planting depth.

Darius: I hadn't thought about planting the pot. DUH!!! That would make sense. Thanks for the info.


Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

We dig a long trench in a protected area and sink to the rim of the pots all the prennials that are in pots. Then we pile lots of leaves over them. I have done this for years with good results. Be sure to put a layer of leaves or straw in the bottom of the trench or hole so that the holes in the pots don't get clogged. It is a necessity to have good drainage. I always seem to have lots of little babies that I am just not ready to put out on their own in the "great big ole yard". Would you call that over protective or just smart gardening????

Jackson, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Elena. Sounds like smart gardening to me.


Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

We just finished our trench digging and covering this afternoon. We haven't had any damaging weather thus far this year so they haven't needed burying up to now. Gosh, I felt like I was burying a big elephant this year. Remind me to either plant stuff in the ground when I get it or quit swapping so much and stay clear of the co-ops. LOL! Just kidding!
Hey, you are in Jackson. Maybe we can trade this spring!! It's a sickness isn't it?????? I go to Covington several times a year to visit relatives (That is where my parents were born and they lived there all their lives)so might as well trade plants along the way, huh?

Elena in Nashville

Jackson, TN(Zone 7a)

Geesh, real sorry I didn't respond sooner, Elena. I've been real busy and this stupid computer has had one breakdown after another. Trading sounds like a good idea. You sound like me. Way too many plants too close to the cold weather. That's what I get for not knowing when to say no to myself.LOL!!!!! Nashville is not too far at all. I usually go to my mom's in North Carolina every summer. Maybe on a fly thru I could stop off. I have no idea where Covington is but if I am on the way, feel free to stop by. Seriously let me know if you feel like getting together. It would be nice to have somebody with the same illness so close. LOL!

By the way, I hope this is not a serious pain, but, since I took so long to answer your post and I am not sure if you will come back to this thread I am sending a copy of this rambling of mine to you via email. Hope I am not being a complete pain.

Thanks again,

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