
Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

I heard it said that you Euros have to pay for Internet or e-mail-time by the minute. I hope that is not true. Here in the USA we just pay a small monthly fee, or nothing at all for a trial period, after which you can switch to another freebie. My DSL is $40, which a lot of people earn in one hour.
Just curious.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Here's a thread where we've been discussing just that Ulrich


We have pretty much the same options that you do in the USA here in the UK, I'm pretty sure it would be the same across Europe.

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

I pay €30 for my DSL connection, plus €19,90 for my AOL flatrate, which comes to about $50 per month.

I can stay on AOL for 23hrs 30mins each day, and don't pay one cent for any downloads etc, and I don't have any limit as to how many Gb I download in a month.

The only cost on top is my telephone charges, which are very cheap here, since I can dial through various companies which offer a much cheaper rate than Deutsche Telkom.

So all in all, the internet here in Germany is very cheap, as long as you have the DSL connection. Before I got the flatrate from AOL and DSL, my last bill was DM 360 which is about €180/$185 approx.

My wife nearly had a heart-attack ....lol, but that was the easiest way to convince her that DSL, and AOL flatrate, is good ;-)


Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Thank you, Folks, for enlightening me; I'm glad I asked.
Wintermoor, Hummel Hummel, wie oder wo haben Sie so prima Englisch gelernt? Tschüss

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Moin Ulrich,

Ich bin Schotte, und wohne in HH seit 30 Jahren.

Alles Gute


Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

*You Euros* ....

It is true here, we have to pay by minute if we use modem. And we have to pay over 50 € for our ADSL +5 € for virus program.

I'm glad I don't use modem.

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Very interesting. Here is a link for those who care:

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Telecom, Telkom or whatever you want to call it work basically after the same rules....they all work hand-in-hand of course, so that no-one seem to be stepping out of line.

The ex-Lord Mayor, and President of Hamburg, started the deal where it was stated that, the people should be looking at the monitor, and not at the clock. This started an explosion in the amount of people wanting DSL, because through the DSL you could get a flat-rate AOL for €19,90/mth.

Singing and dancing time.... Thank you! Herr Runde, and thank you! Chancellor Gerd Schröder for spreading it across Germany in the last 3 years.

Long may he reign!!!


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the link Ulrich - very useful! I've popped it in my favourites.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Great thing this "mutual currency", don't you think Wintermoor?

I've been using Oanda for a long time, great site. http://www.oanda.com/convert/classic?margin_fixed=0&expr=USD_EUR&lang=en&pref_list=AUD_CAD_DKK_EUR_FIM_NOK_CHF&menu_rows=10&date_fmt=normal&exch=EUR_USD

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