BT cuts surf time

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

We're making some changes to your service in order to maintain the quality and reliability of internet connection for all our users*.

We're changing our Terms & Conditions and introducing a monthly** usage quota of 150 hours' internet access. This works out at an average of five hours a day, every day. Based on your recent usage this is more than you're likely to need.

There are some customers who keep their computers connected to the internet for long periods of time. This affects the level of service everyone else receives across your network, and isn't fair on you and others. Levelling the playing field with a fair and reasonable usage level for all will help us give everyone a reliable quality of service.

Based on your recent usage, and like the majority of customers, you're not likely to reach the 150-hour quota. However, from your first billing date in November 2002, you'll be able to check if you're getting close at 'My Account' on the BT Openworld homepage at
You can also find out what your billing date is from here.

In the event that you do get close to the 150 hours' monthly quota, you'll also receive automatically generated status emails to your primary email address as you approach 35, 15 and 0 hours remaining.

Because we recognise that your usage may vary from month to month, we've made arrangements for any 'unused' hours to be carried over for your use in the next month. Up to 50 hours can be carried over (i.e. depending on your usage, your quota for a particular month could be as high as 200 hours, an average of over six hours a day). And, for the first month we'll give you the extra 50 hours, just in case!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, sucks doesn't it?

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

I'm so happy we have an unlimited ADSL connection. :) What kind of connection do you have Mark? Oddball ISP..

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

just a regular 56K connection costing £15 called 'Anytime' and now we are limited to 5 hours a day!!

time to look elsewhere

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Is it 15 pounds/month? That's crazy. And limiting modem surfing is, well... ridiculous. We have several ISPs here provigind free connections, you only have to pay the phone fees.

This our connection costs about 50 € for month I think. + about 5,5 € for virus program and firewall.

I hope you find a good new ISP.

Evert the kind of tariff Mark has means we don't pay the phone bills, it's just £15/month.

Mark I stopped using BT 7 years ago (even though they had been very nice over a bill one of my student flatmates wouldn't pay their share on), they were just too expensive on phone calls. I don't know whether I'll go with the NTL internet connection as yet, while they are a bit cheaper than AOL I just don't have much reason to change at the moment.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Oh. Before ADSL we used to have 56 modem too... the connection cost 50 marks (8,40 €) per month +phone fees.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I've been thinking about going broadband

Would go with the cable connection i have for the TV (Telewest), but when i was with them for phone i had the 56k package equivalent to BT's and the disk they gave me to set it up was buggy, I've been having problems ever since.
Broadband with BT's about £30/month and that gives "always on" connection

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'm thinking of changing too. I've started a multimedia course at uni. Dail-up simply mightn't be good enough any more. Sigh.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

What packages are you looking at Diane?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

A package with BT I think. Broadband maybe.

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