Kell.... I crashed last nite!!!

(Zone 8a)

Wouldn't you know my ISP crashed last nite after I posted 'today was deadline for mg contest'...and I was going to post my prized mg's with a drum rollll and 'kaput' I was off the internet and could not get back on! Oh well! What a bummer!

Anyway, I know I will not win because there are some gorgeous ones entered and I think I already know who will win!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Is it me? Is it me???
No, really that is a terrible story! I feel so bad for you. Post the picture here so we can enjoy it anyway. I should go and look at the entries. I haven't for awhile. I love to see all the pretty mgs!!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I looked at all of them last night. Whew!! That is a lot of pictures. I think it will be a hard one to judge, even for the ugliest. I didn't they they were all that ugly myself.

(Zone 8a)

I'm not telling and it should be hard to judge but I have my personal favorites!

Getting the winning seeds together too! Hope they finish by oct 17th!

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Hey can I jump in here?? LOL I too have a few entered in the contest....but looks as though I have some pretty stiff compatition by the pics I have seen! There are sooo many pretty ones, I wouldn't know which one to pick! Just wondering how I'd feel to be awarded the most ugliest!!

(Zone 8a)

Mollybee...LOL! Jump right in! Me too for ugliest and I helped to start this war!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Would be a shock to the system, especially if you didn't enter it as the ugliest. There are some really nice pictures in there. Everyone should be proud of what they have grown this year. I've felt pretty good about mine until it comes to that one you sent me, Rebecca. The yellow one. Not a sign of a bud yet. Bet it can't possibly throw one now in time for me to see it bloom. I was so anxious to see it, but you did warn me.

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Oh Rebecca that's so sad and I was pulling for you to win because you were the one that started the thread if I remember. I only had two and never entered the contest. Grandpa Otts and Chocolate both very pretty and the tiny blue wild one I almost forgot. I am making plans for next year however so I'll probable be begging seeds later.

(Zone 8a)

Shirley, I know how you feel...maybe if you dig one up and cut it off and pot it to put inside on a sunny window you will get a bloom! What have you got to lose?

GRC... I never expected to win! Just wanted to have fun and did! I have plenty of seeds to share with you, just let me know!

Alfred, ON(Zone 4b)

I missed this thread,
You know to be awardet the ugliest, is kinda imbarasing, but then it's my fault, it started out so pretty, but then it was to big and tangelt to move it outside *LOL*
I thought it would be nice to see them bloom inside.
the vine just did not like my south facing window :(
I could not belive when it started to form buds. most of the flower never opened compleatly, some tryed real hard but fell of half open.
It still has buds now on October the 22 and some still try to open.

how to I fell now to be awarted the most ugliest??? I'm proud that I did not take that plant down. It tryes to bloom all the time, eaven if it is soooooooo ugly... in a way its beautiful!!!
it has almost no leafs left below.

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