How did we do- Sept

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8b)

Well, I came in $31 over budget. Not too bad! That last weekend, I just _had_ to go out to eat with a dear friend, and ran out of diapers, so that was my $31.

I didn't do very well with stocking up. Either there wasn't much, or I just missed out. Therefore, my pantry and freezer looks about the same as it did at the beginning of the month.

My goal was to put more in the freezer than I took out. I didn't put more in, but I did use, and refill, equally.

All in all, I'm pleased with myself. I did have a couple of unfrugal moments. We didn't go out to eat (except my one lunch), and I still cut $150 off of the food (whoooo-hoooo)

My plan for this month is the same budget, but to once again try to stock up more than I did this month.

How did you do?
Are you willing to stick with it?


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