Teeny flower

Poor Polygala vulgaris (Milkwort) has a tough life on the New Forest, normally it would grow to the lofty height of 5 inches but the grazing prevents much more than 1 inch height. It's a trooper though and not only survives the grazing but flowers for over 3 months too.

What you can't see if the little fringed white corolla, my camera just can't get that kind of detail :(

Thumbnail by Baa
Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Very pretty! I've never seen that one. A friend of ours has a healthy patch of Polygala paucifolia growing at his camp. It's a neat little flower too. I'm not sure if it's uncommon or I've just never been in the right place at the right time before. It was blooming early in the spring - the same time as the lady slippers, which also grow around his camp.

Sounds beautiful Poppysue!

Tokyo, Japan

C'mon Baa - be honest!

The flower's normal size - it's you that fell down a New Forest rabbit hole and found a potion labeled "drink me".

(Or was it a cake labeled "eat me"???)

If I fell down a rabbit hole and ate or drank whatever it was that made you bigger, then how did I get out of the rabbit hole?

And that is today's philosophical question *G*

Tokyo, Japan

Easily answered -
You played a chess game backwards, while zooming in. Then you had cake yesterday today, foregoing cake tomorrow for for a bite right now. T'was brillig enough to focus, and the slithy toves did gyre with the lens (a fair enough wabe...)
All mimsy were your borogroves, but then - everyone her at DG knows that...

Nice finger....

Indeed Mr Carrol, Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat

Tokyo, Japan

...how I wonder: "where's the cat?"

Tokyo, Japan


The naughty little thing's turned into a Queen. And I thought the Red Queen was Baa...

No just a flamingo, it's hard to pick spines out of your head with just a beak.

Tokyo, Japan

Good shot! Score: tied. Time for tea.

I'm late! I'm late!

Tokyo, Japan

Beware: the Duchess will be savage if you've kept her waiting...

I'll just leave the hedgehog spikes in and headbut her if she starts on me

This message was edited Friday, Nov 29th 2:15 PM

Tokyo, Japan

Ahhh - just like HD, when *you* use a word it means just what you choose it to mean - neither more nor less.

Please explain above syntax to these growers of "Moron's Pinguicularis"...(for I certainly won't go *back* where things have no names)


They wouldn't answer at all if they were wise

Tokyo, Japan

Yes - This message was edited Friday, Oct 31th 1:52 PM

This message was edited Friday, Nov 4th 3:19 PM

This message was edited Friday, Nov 13th 6:37 AM

This message was edited Friday, Nov 21th 3:00 AM

This message was edited Friday, Nov 29th 3:20 PM

Yes Sir, Sorry Sir

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