Working on my gourds

Crossville, TN

Here are some gourds I am working on. These are last years Dipper Gourds that my husband raised. The one on the left is just as it was after drying. The other two have been cleaned, and may not look it but are as "smooth as a baby's butt", ready for any finish I might opt for. I think I will just use some wax shoe polish on the small one and cut the side out and lay it flat on a table for a dried flower arrangment container. The other I will put some of the Rub-on transfers on it and clear coat it with spary. Jo

Thumbnail by roadrunner
Bowie, AZ(Zone 8B)

Nice project there, Jo. May we see a picture of the finished products when they are done? I enjoy seeing the crafts of others.

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

I haven't thought of rub-on transfers. Jo,I might try that too.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Yes, Jo, can't wait to see the finished product! I caved today and bought several dried gourds on which to practice. They still have the seeds inside, so I'm going to post to get opinions on what type of gourds I have. When sharing the seeds, I want to get the variety right :)

I wish you lived near here. Next weekend is the American Gourd Society, Ohio Chapter, weekend for gourd lovers. I'm going to try to make the second day as I will be traveling through the area on my way back to home.

Crossville, TN

OH Morph///Would that I could be with you!!! Can you get some pictures? I'm sure they will have hand out info shetts. Lucky you. Jo

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Great idea ~ yes, I'll try to obtain as much literature as I can to share with anyone who's interested like yourself. I just hope they still have items available to buy when I get there. They open early and I won't be able to get there until around noon.

Crossville, TN

Thanks, Morph! Jo

Bay City, MI(Zone 5a)

oh boy Morph!!!!! that would be the greatest if you could post some pics of the gourds!!!!!!!

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Oh, Tootsie, I just read your message now. You know, the show lasted until Sunday at 5:00 and we arrived at 4:45 this afternoon! I was running from booth to booth to get cards & any literature I could. If I'd read your message sooner, I would have had a chance to take some pictures. They had everything anyone interested in gourds would want! All the possible decoration/crafting material you could possibly imagine and ALL sizes/shapes of gourds (hard/soft shell) AND dried/recently harvested gourds ~ my son got really excited and decided he'll grow gourds with me next year. He wants to grow the LONG handle dipper gourds ~ those were amazing to him.

We just zoomed by all the booths to catch the pamphlets as they were beginning to close-up shop. We were able to get some information and I will be posting a separate thread for anyone who's interested for an SASE. I'll also try to post the web sites, too.

I think maybe you should come visit or plan on attending next year. We can surely get a small group together from DGs and next year I want at least a full day there! There was so much to see! I feel like this is a hidden hobby that was like finding a gold mine :)

(Zone 5a)

They are looking good RR and I can't wait to see what you decide to do with them.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

RR, I found that using the shoe polish on mine took a few coats ( More then 3!) And the 'stain' took only one, But, The 'stain' seemed to chip color easy if you aren't carefull with it before you get your decoration on and get it varnished, Just thought I'd let you know what I tried and learned through experience ~ Can't wait to see a posted pic when yuor done with them ~ Good Luck To You and have fun! :)

Crossville, TN

Thanks Iris...I would have had to go buy shoe polish any how...but I do have stain in the I hope to get to work on them soon as I get "aroundtoit" LOL Jo

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

Hey JO, I remember years ago you gave me a roundtoit, or maybe it was for DH. Anyway, when I find it again, I will send it back, so you can start to paint your gourds.

Crossville, TN

LizH...that was for your DH!! And you just keep it as he needs it!! LOL Better yet, you come out here and HELP me!! Love ya, gal! Jo

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