The Earthquake.

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Did anyone else feel the earthquake in the early hours ? I was asleep, and I woke with a start....I thought someone was in my bedroom , shaking the bed.I screamed out 'who's there, what do you want?'Then I thought that my 3 cats had somehow got upstairs and were jumping on my bed, and that it was all part of a dream.I put on the light and went to the bathroom, and decided that it was all in my imagination and went back to sleep.I only discovered this morning that it was an earthquake, and I hadn't been dreaming at all.Fortunately no injuries have been reported, but there was some minor damage to buildings.We're just not used to it in this country.


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Earthquake? Nooooooooooo. I'm pleased you're safe. Nothing here, although I haven't really looked at today's local news.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I did hear a little on the news this morning. Glad you're OK marigold.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Ah yes, today's paper showed there was an earthquake right enough. I appear to have slept through it. Probably just as well - I was in an earthquake in Spain many years ago; not very pleasant.


I read it would have been especially felt in your neck of the woods right through to SW Wales. Didn't feel a thing here but I'm glad no one suffered more than a few building problems!

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