my friend, angela

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

hey, guys, my friend angela is supposed to join dgs tonight, so please say hello to her!! i told her she'd have fun here, which is true, but i really want her to learn how to take care of her own garden, so i don't have to go help her all the time!!! hahaha!! here's how gardening ignorant she is...she thinks I'M an expert!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! is that like the funniest thing you've ever heard???

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

hi Angela, Welcome to DG. am sure u will have lots of fun here like ur nutty friend Meiyu :). Meiyu that is meant as a compliment and not an insult LOL!

u will love it here Angela. people here are very friendly and nice. u will not only learn, eventually u will be trading with others too pretty soon. don't be shy. test the waters of DG forums. jump right in... ma vie

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

hehehe...angela, ma vie's one of the women who don't sleep, and help me entertain my insomnia. she's also the local internet librarian!! if you have any questions about anything, be prepared for her to give you a list of references for homework on the'll be tested in the morning!!! hahaha!!
ma vie, i thought you were perceptive, but now i'm disappointed in you!! do you honestly think i would have a friend who would be afraid to jump right in? who would be shy? c'mon...get real!! hahaha!!
where are you angela???? come out, come out, wherever you are!!!

Crossville, TN

Welcome to the Garden will find all the help you can ever need here. Enjoy! Jo

Welcome, Angela. As another newbie, I can tell you that this is a very friendly and welcoming place, and the gardening expertise of the members is just amazing. I know you'll enjoy DG.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Hey Meiyu! where is ur friend Angela? now who is not perceptive... hehehehehe

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

looks like angela (oh, by the way, she's going by nikita here...didn't know that earlier) is having trouble finding her way over here...
roadrunner, i have a feeling that i'll still be the only one able to help with the digging and the weeding part, though, unless we get some members in san antonio!!! (oh, that'll get em to join, right? "hey, guys, come to dgs, and nikita will invite you to her weed pulling party!!!" don't think it'd work, huh...hahaha!
where are you, nikita???

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Welcome to Dg from Louisiana... Angela, where are you? Dont hide from us.. LOL

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

she's not hiding, i messed up!! yeah, i know, you're thinking, how typical of meiyu, right? hahaha!! she wanted to be nicknamed nikita, and i guess i payed for someone else to join, since there was already a nikita listed...we're trying to get it straightened out now, have written to terry and dave. hopefully she can get on as nikita1 soon.

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

lol meiyu....well, with all this hoopla, she will be well welcomed by the time she get s here.


san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

geez, ya know, it's strange how i always had a plan before i even knew what it was!!! geniousness gets too complicated sometimes!!
anyway, angela will be nikita1 since nikita was already taken, and i hope she didn't get used to her free trial subscription, haha! dave changed it over to angela or rather, nikita1, and she should be arriving shortly. she's in corpus christi this weekend, so probably not til tomorrow or tuesday...she has manic mondays like i do!! plus, it'll take her a day to find this forum...or any forum, for that matter!! hahaha!!
sorry angela!!! (and you want me to do how many push-ups?!) you'd better be joking too, woman!!

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Welcome nikita 1.

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

hey, grc, i have a question for ya!! how did the red go away in my red lantana??? remember i told you i had a red one, but almost lost it, and nursing it back to health? well, it's blooming now, but it only has the yellow and the orange...what the heck happened to the red???

nikita1 won't mind, cuz i'm giving her a bunch of lantanas which are taking over some of my gardens!! you can give her her first lesson in gardening 101...lantana.

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Mine looked orange when it first started to bloom. Later it turned to red. It will turn red later I think. This is my first year with this color.
I found a photo of you. WOW You should be posting that face everywhere you post.

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a) my last entry in the 'here's your pic, eyes' special attention to the last line...hahaha!! thank you, grc...i haven't had a WOW since that cute little sax player with tina turner's band in 1996..timmie, yeah, that was his name...hehehe!

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

meiyu, what lantana are u talking about? i never saw it. i have lantana, it is pink and yellow flower. i saved some seeds too.

where is angela/nikita1? what happened to her?

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

i have that one, too. i have one that's real light pastel pink, yellow, white, then i have one that's a hot pink, bright orange, bright yellow. this one used to be golden yellow, deep orange, and chinese red. now it's just the yellow and orange, no red...hope the red comes back like grc thinks it will! it just started blooming again, took a while to nurse back to health. lemme see if i can dig up a pic. ummm, no, can't find one.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

here is what i have ... they do go dormant during the winter months. then come back when weather warms. don't u save seeds? the do propagate by cuttings too.

so where is Angela?

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

i have that one, but i don't like it nearly as much as the darker ones...i'll have to show them to you. i can send you seeds and/or cuttings if you like them. when they go dormant, what they just not bloom or do the loose their leaves, too, do they just look like ugly twigs?

angela is in she should be here tomorrow or tuesday. i have to go train on tuesday, so she'll probably wait for me to show her how to get on and stuff. she was worried about joining (she thinks everyone will think she's me!), so she's been looking around at other gardening websites, 'studying' gardening 101 she won't sound stupid...silly girl! i never worry about sounding stupid, myself, because i really am.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

when the lantana go dormant, all the leaves fall off. like u said only bare twigs show. look like they are dead. leave them alone and when weather gets warmer, they will once again flourished. the ones i have have a lovely fragrance. they are very easy to propagate. just stick a cutting into the ground, in no time u have a new plant.

tell Angela not too worry, we are here to give her a helping hand.

no one in this world is/was born stupid. it is just a matter of honing that knowledge base in between our two ears, u'll be surprise to find u know more than u think u knew LOL!

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

what knowledge base? ah...the mush inside my head?? haha!! honey, if i had a knowledge base in between my ears at one time, i have no knowledge of its current location!!

oh, i know all kinds of things that i'm surprised to find that i know!! every day i loose my keys, and yet i'm always surprised to find that i know where they go so i won't loose them anymore...i just can't remember when i need to remember, like when i come home and put them somewhere else!! this is my life...hahaha!!

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

go get urself one of those clappers LOL!!! that way u will find what u misplaced... hehehehehehe!

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

i have been meaning to get one for years...but i keep forgetting...hahaha!!!

found the's my hot pink lantana!

Thumbnail by meiyu
san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

and here's what used to be red? i guess i had the camera on zoom unknowingly...the picture is terrible, but you get the red anymore! maybe tomorrow...

Thumbnail by meiyu
High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

they're both very lovely. are they fragrant? or do u know?

i never use zoom on my camera. i do that in editing the pix. that way, the pix come nice, clean and clear.

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

yes, they're wonderfully fragrant!! i'll send you some cuttings if you tell me how i should send, and when the best time is for you. by the way, did i tell you i lost the white datura? sometime can we try again? i only have the one you sent, and another purple one jim gave me.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

do not worry, i got tons of seeds, there is another one blooming right now. i can send u that one too. don't worry about sending me anything. i can wait when u get back from ur trip. go to bed!

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

I can't believe that is the first wow in that lenght of time. Does your husband keep you locked up so no one can talk to you and you just got a computer recently? LOL
The lantana is so easy to root. I rooted a lot this year the same color as Mavie's and it got up about 4 inches and started blooming. As I gave them away the people couldn't believe they could be blooms on something that little. Hey and the butterflies love lantana better than anything I have in my garden.

Thumbnail by Georgiaredclay
san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

haha...grc, i don't guess it's been peter keeping me locked up, but more like my daddy, my mama, our houses, and our yards, not to mention the psycho sister...don't know what i would've done if the kids had been younger and peter hadn't been around and such an expert on geriactrics (see, i don't even know how to spell it!! haha!!) even though now i'm minus one parent, all in one house, only have one yard, and psycho's gone to north carolina, it's still keeping me from having a life!! mama has altzheimer's now, and the house is new, so i have to paint and decorate, and stuff, and since i had nothing but dirt outside, taking care of the yard doesn't mean, "honey, it's time to mow the lawn" anymore...hehe...and then, THEN, you guys had to go and show me all the flowers out there in the world outside, like brugs that aren't just yellow, and cannas that aren't halloween orange, not to mention all the millions of flowers that i thought only existed in fairy tales and dreams, so of course i want them all to be mine!!!!

so it's you guys that keep me locked up here, huh!!! hahaha!!! or...maybe it's these long stupid stories i always seem to end up writing???

that's why i like the internet so much...if you get bored with my chatter, you can scroll past without offending me or having to tell me to shut up...LOL!!!!

oh, yeah, here's my baby girl...i don't think she's even 4 inches yet, grc!!

Thumbnail by meiyu
High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Jim, mine is pink and yellow. what i can see u have is red and yellow. i do not have those.

Meiyu, that is a lovely one u got there too ;) looked like u got bug infestation on ur lantana too. i could not dicepher what it is though.

Meiyu, do u water at night? if u do, it is better for u to water early in the day. watering at night does not allow ur plants to dry up... causing bugs to create damage on ur plants. give the bugs a good breeding ground too. just my 2 cents worth.

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

well...there ya go then, that could be why my yard is the bug happy place of the year, eh? oh, but then ma vie, you'll have to stop keeping me up so late at night...hahaha!!! what time is early in the day, anyway? i hope not before 10 am?

This message was edited Monday, Sep 30th 7:16 PM

This message was edited Monday, Sep 30th 7:20 PM

WOW! Look at all of the welcomes. You are all so nice. Thank you for making me feel at home. I am so busy right now I barely have time to add this. I am in the process of packing to leave for Ballinger for a wedding tomorrow. I should be back Sunday or Monday. Plus cleaning, kids, training, husband, etc. you know how it goes, well at least most of you do. I will be around next week and hopefully things will be slower.


san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)


don't forget about the garage sale, and do you and bob wanna join us in texoma? mary and steph would love it!! it's october 19-20th...remember?

have fun at the wedding!!! see ya when you get back!!! maybe i'll start working out with you now that you're finally here...hahaha!!!

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Confetti Lantana...........and welcome Nikita1.


san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

hey, red is back in the other lantana!!!

Thumbnail by meiyu
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Welcome Nikita 1 aka Angela..
You are going to have a great time here.
If you have time..LOL

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

boy, you said it, starzz...i see nikita hasn't been on since her first day!!! haha!! i don't blame her, though, i can't find time to sit down these days!!

where are ya, ang???? i know i have lotsa email from ya, but i haven't been able to check mail in 3 days!! i'll try later or tomorrow!!


New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Meiyu... I love your hot pink lantana.. pretty colors. I am going to look around and find me one..

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi Angela,

Welcome in DG! I hope to see you soon here.


san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

hey, mini, if you'd like, i can send you a cutting and seeds. i haven't had much time, 3 weeks behind on email and 5 weeks behind on dgs posts, so give me some time, but email me and remind me next week...meiyu

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