Hard Pears

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

This may seem a silly question but can a pear tree that yields hard unpalatable pears be made to grow pears that are better to eat. The tree is about 12 feet high and grows many large lovely looking pears. I have no idea what variety it is but the skins are tough and they dont soften once brought in doors. Any suggestions other than chop it down?

Weatherford, TX(Zone 7b)

We had the same thing with our pears.Was told they were a kind you cook with. We did make some wonderful canned pear relish with them,however I wanted to eat them soft & uncooked!

Waynesboro, MS(Zone 8a)

It appears that you have a Orient variety.Some of the older ones are called sand pears,because of the gritty peal.
I prefer these over the soft varieties as they make delicious pies,preserves and cobblers.

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

I have a large tree in my yard that is just about gone. It has died a limb at a time especially with the weight of the pears. We had a 4in. strap around it to keep the limbs from splitting off. It is called a canning pear. When they are ripe or about the size of baseballs pick,peel cook,put in jars,eat. If you want them to get soft enough to eat without being real crunchy, pick them off, wrap them in newspaper and place in a cool dark place. When they begin to smell like a ripe pear take them out and eat. They will be soft and jucy.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

You can make a chutney with them that's almost as good as mango chutney. You might want to try calling your Cooperative extension service. Both the Ag agent and the home ec agent might have some ideas.

Bristol, CT(Zone 6a)

I have a different problem- A dwarf "moonglow" pear
that has never blossomed....in 8 years?
Any Suggestions?

rural, WY(Zone 3a)

Could be one of many things, check for a good pollinater, full sun, good soil that never dries, fertilizer especially if it's older, disease, don't prune off all the flower buds....
If you have other pears that do well, maybe consider replacing the tree? No time to wait! Maybe it's a rootstalk sucker, it could be anything.

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