Hummer pics and hummer plant pics

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

I just finished putting pics in my journal. Hope I did this right so all of you can view them.

Thumbnail by hummer_nut
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

You did great! What's the flower in the picture here? I seem to be asking that all over. How is that you're able to hold all those hummingbirds. Great close ups in your journal.

Cochrane, ON(Zone 2b)

Hummer_nut. Oh my gawd. Great hummer pics. Are you a rehabber or bird bander by any chance.

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Yah - inquiring minds want to know -lol. How are you able to handle the hummers? Do you trap them? The pictures are great. It always amazes me how small they are. I bet you go through lots of food at your place! Your garden pictures look beautiful too.

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

Floridian, that plant is Abutilon megaapotamicum. It should do well where you live. All, no I am not a habber or bander, good friends of mine, Bob & Martha Sargent, master banders, have taught me about all I know about hummers. They formed HBSG(Hummingbird Study Group), a non-profit org to study neo-tropical birds. Here is the link to their site :
If you go there and join, please let Bob know I told you about HBSG. Believe me, I receive nothing for this, just a friend trying to help a friend. I only wish all the pictures of hummers being held were being done so by me, some by me, some by Bob, some by other banders. They are being held and photographed as part of the documentation that has to be done whenever a hummer is caught and banded.
All of the hummers being held are birds that have wintered
over in Alabama, Miss, panhandle of Florida.

Angleton, TX(Zone 9a)

Enjoyed your pictures of the hummers and the paradise that you have set up for them. I love to see people doing things for our wildlife. Going to go read the link that you posted. Thanks for sharing all this with us.

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

Let me correct myself on the picture posted on this thread.
I must be losing my mind. That plant is not even close to what I said earlier. What we have here is Malvaviscus arboreus 'Drummondi' common name 'Turk's Cap'. it is a native along the gulf coast. Sorry for the mis identification. In my plant pics is the other. I guess I need to name all of my pics.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Same as this? It looked similar but not quite, which is why I asked. I have about 6 cuttings rooting right now. I love this plant!

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

Floridian. I have many to share. I have never seen it in white. If you have, I would love to get one. There are two varieties that I know of, Drummondii and no name "Giant Turks Cap'. I have both, but the giant species generally gets killed to the ground before the blooms develop here in Montgomery, I have only had it bloom when we have a really mild fall. Bob Sargent has one he keeps in his greenhouse and he gets blooms from it, he is in zone 7. It would do well where you are and could bloom most of the year. I will be trying to set up my trade journal in the next couple of weeks. I will have the sm turks cap, salvia guaraniticia, hamelia patens, and some other plants for trade or postage.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Okay..I knew there was something a bit different, I have the larger one. I'll see if I can get a cutting of the white or light pink. There is only one place I know that sells them and actually quite reasonably priced.

Angleton, TX(Zone 9a)

hummer_nut . . I have the giant red turks cap but I also have the pale pink one. The pink one stays much smaller and is much easier to control. I would be glad to send you cuttings.

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

BrugNanny - you have email.

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

I loved your photos and enjoyed the site. I wish I could hold a hummer like that.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

hummer_nut,do you come to KY when Bob and Martha do in August to band the Hummers at the Land Between the Lakes?

I live about 15 miles from there and have been over when they gave their lectures several times. Even got to hold a hummer myself!!!

I've been telling people that they ought to do this,the information that they give you is priceless if you love these birds.

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

Been gone most of the day, went to visit tiG. No I do not go with Bob & Martha to KY. They will be at Fort Morgan in Gulf Shores, AL for the next couple of weeks banding all neo-tropical birds that are migrating back to south & central america. They do this in the spring and fall. I have gone with them in the past to band hummers, but have not been able to go the last couple of yrs. What they do to educate people on birds is just great.

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