Hummingbird question

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

When I saw Hummer_nut here, I thought she could answer this for me.
I have a customer that has a sunroom. She left the door open to the outside the other day. Two hummingbirds came inside and wouldn't leave. She left the door open for them to leave, and three more came in. The first two were females, of the last three, one was female, 2 males. They won't leave. She has tried to shoo them out, has taken them out and they beat her back inside. She wants to know what to do. She came to the greenhouse and bought everything blooming that they like, but doesn't know how to make them leave.
We have hummers that come inside the greenhouse, but usually leave on their own, one comes every day to the streptocarpella, drinks the nectar and flies back out the door.

Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

maybe she should take the food away, and hang a feeder outside where they can see it. i wonder where they will sleep at night. also, if you know the right people to call they will bring in the traps like they use to catch them to band them with, band and let them go. that's my guess. i think the links to people who do this are at, haven't been there for a while.

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

As far as keeping them out, close all entrances. How to get hummers from buildings, rooms, etc. After an hour or so without perching, they will be dog tired. I get several calls each year to rescue them. I take a cotton mop and hold it up close to them, if they are tired they will perch on it. You can then lower it slowly to an exit and they will fly off. If you provide sugar water or have plants that they can feed and perch on, then the job of getting then out is rather difficult. Hope this helps.

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

By the way - Hummer_nut is an adult male, married, computer database manager for the Dept. of Defense.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Nice to meet you hummer_nut, for some reason just thought you were a girl.
That's how we catch the hummers that get in the greenhouses, thought I was the only one who used a mop!!(A straw broom will work in a pinch)The one that comes in our GH every day isn't in by accident though, she comes in, eats and leaves. We had a male last year that came in early spring, it got freezing cold, he stayed in the impatiens house for a week, when it warmed up, he was gone.
I think this lady customer doesn't really want them to go, I told her to call the nature center, they would help. I told her she shouldn't try to keep them. I know shes been to some sites on the web.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Heehee, I thought Arsenic was a girl too, then I saw a reference to 'him', then he was joking about trading for Meiyu's daughter~! LOL

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Floridian, I saw that post by Arsenic, and till then thought he was a "she".

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

Only believe 1/2 of what you see and take everything else with a grain of salt. In the world of cyber space, you never know, even if a picture is attached. You could even be misled by video. My dear wife was raised to believe that everyone is honest and trustful, that would be great, but just not true. There are many good people in this world and I think most on DG are, especially those who are members. All, have a God given wonderful day !!!!!!!

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