Round Robin time again!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Yep,it's time for the annual Tomato Seed Round Robin Extravaganza! All of you out there anxiously awaiting this milestone in our gardening year can now quit holding your breath. The time is now upon us!

Get in line and sign up! I'll be sending out the RR package to the Southern folks first and gradually make our way West and North. Come One and All!!

Please use this thread to sign up on,or email me. I'll be keeping a list and will start sorting names shortly. I have all of the information from last year and I'll make sure that everyone gets shuffled around ,so you don't have the same spot as last year.

Even if you only have seeds for one variety and would like to participate...jump in!The way my RR works,you can still do this.

Here are the RULES
Please read them and plan accordingly.

1. Only Open Pollinated(OP) or Heirloom seed allowed.Hybrid seeds won't grow true..or are sterile.Sorry folks...that's just the way it works. That means grocery store tomatoes that you have saved seed from won't work.They are hybrids for the most part.If you don't know what you have,email me and we'll try to find out.

2.When the package arrives,sort through the seeds and take out what you want...BUT,you must replace the amount of packages with as many as you took. One for one...two for two..etc. And don't take 5 different packages and replace them with 5 packages of the same variety...Big no-no..and no fun for the next person.

3.At least 25 seeds per envelope or bag,and make each packet trading sized.Don't put all of your seeds in one envelope if you are generously putting extras in(which is allowed)
Please put the name of the variety on the package and your name on the package...very important.This lets everyone tell at a glance who and what this package is about.

3.There will be a paper inside for you to list what you took and what you put in.This lets everyone down the line know who got what for future trading. Also,there will be enough room for you to add comments and/or history,so we can all get a little Tomato education.If you wish,you can make your own list to include and have it ready to go when the RR arrives.

4.Please try to forward the package along in a timely manner.We had 17 participants last year and it took well into Spring for it to get back to me.I had plants up with two sets of leaves before it landed.If you have troubles...or a's ok..but don't let it hang around just because you haven't had time to get to it. I think 4 days should be a good guidline to follow,providing no floods,fires,hurricanes or earthquakes get in the way.

5.When you get the RR,email me or post here.We will have several participants from other lists and that's long as I can keep track of where it is.

6.Fermented seeds only.This keeps everyone reasonably safe from getting any diseases from someone elses seed. If you don't know how to do this,there are several threads and also instructions in Garden Terms.

Let's have fun folks!!! Last year 84 different varieties changed hands.That's another reason for listing everything.The records of each RR are so fun to go back over.I have a list of everything...and some were multiples...there were 84 _different_ varieties!
Let's top that this year!

Thumbnail by melody
Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

Count me in, Melody. I'll send you an email with my address. Thanks for doing this. Rose

Santa Clara, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Melody, sounds like a lot of fun, I'll send you my address also. Thanks, Kathy

Olympia, WA(Zone 8b)

Yes. I'd like to do it. I'll send an e-mail w/address. Thanks. I've been looking around for something like this for awhile.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Got everyone who emailed me copied to a brand new folder.Thanks ya'll.

Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I do hope you already counted me in, sometime in the Jurassic age.

I have (count 'em) no fewer than 56 different tomato cultivars to exchange.

And I'm tired of answering my little daughter's question "daddy, why are are rotting down all those yukky stinky tomatoes?" - with complex answers about fermentation. Seed shares. And biodiversity...

Moreover, I want everyone to enjoy my Sashai's Altai tomato. If you haven't tried it, you haven't entered Paradise!

(Uh, I think that means... count me in.)


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Yes John,I figured you in,and since Brook's little experiment with seeds and American customs,I feel like we should chance it.

What I will do is,put you first in line again and then if by some chance the package gets stopped at the customs counter,I can send a duplicate package out for everyone else.

I'll have plenty of new varieties for you to drool over,so don't be worried that you will have to look at my selection for a second year...I think you'll be pleased.

I think that we shouldn't overload the package coming back,just to be safe,so let's not include any 'bonus' packs in this round. If you want to share the rest of your 56 varieties,why don't we set up a seperate swap between you and me.....because I'm pretty much a greedy person when it comes to tomatoes,and by the time the RR will get back to me,your stuff will have been long gone from it.I think by keeping the package lightweight and small,we stand a better chance of it returning to us here in the US.

I'll email you for details....but yes,you're on the list and I have your address information all ready to go.

Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Golly, gosh, thanks!

I'll reply privately when I've done an inventory of exactly what tomato seeds I - actually - have to trade.

Masses of Sashai's Altai and Alaskan Fancy, for example, but meagre seeds for the complex Cherokee black cultivars. Which yield little seed, anyway.

Keep the faith.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Please count me in too!

Thanks for organizing the Tomato Round Robin. It sounds like loads of fun. :~`)

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Please count me in also, but I would love to be towards the end of the list, as I'm nearing the end of harvest here, and in a moving situation right now and have my hands full. Would that be okay?

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Yes,Joan we can schedule you wherever you like. I was figuring on giving our friends to the North more time anyway. The RR will go to John in Great Britian first and then South.It will be awhile before it goes North,and I'll keep this open for aprox. another month with the package flying about the middle of Oct.

Santa Clara, CA(Zone 9a)

Melody, I received some tomato seeds from Russia a few years ago from a coworkers Mom when she came to visit. I grew them all two years ago but they got mixed up on the way to the garden and I was unsure of which were which. This year I grew only 2 types and both did very well.

My question is can I include seeds for the RR. I only know the name how it is written in Russian, a kind of English translation and how they did for me this year?
Thanks, Kathy

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Do you know which is which now? We love seeds from other parts of the world,but we need to be able to identify them. The Russian name with a rough translation will be wonderful as long as get the right ones paired together.

Santa Clara, CA(Zone 9a)

I know the two I planted this year are correct. The 4 types I didn't plant this year I don't have enough seeds yet to share, I will be planting a couple more next year. I don't have enough room to put in a lot of spare tomatoes, not knowing how they do, so I'm only doing 2 a year.

Thanks Melody, I'll save extra seed then from the tomatoes this year and send them.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Email me with your address so I can get you on the official list.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Hi everyone, I'm still going to get the RR launched before very long...just been otherwise occupied the last few weeks and now,recovering from a car wreck.We still have plenty of time and anyone who hasn't signed up yet,can still hop on board.

Just wanted to bump this back up and let you know that I haven't forgotten you.

the Lakes Region, NH(Zone 4b)

Just found the rr. can I still be in? Ive never done one like this. Is German Giants a heirloom ? I thought it was. thanks, mosses

This message was edited Sunday, Nov 17th 7:53 PM

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Email me your address and I'll get you on the list.If it weren't for this car accident,the RR would be long gone,but since I'm still on the mend and can't sit for very long at the desk,you're in luck.

Ilsan, South Korea(Zone 6a)

Hi Melody,

If it's not too late, please count me in too. I'd love to participate as this will be my first RR.

Richmond, VA

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Email me with your address pinkangel. Hopefully this weekend,I'll get it all together.

Santa Clara, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Melody,
Have you had a chance to start the RR? If so, do you know approx. when I will be receiving them? I usually start my seeds the last week in Feb and don't know if I should plan for the RR seeds or not. If I don't get in time I can use next year (I have plenty of other seeds to use this year). Just thought I would ask as this is the first year I've done this. Thanks, Kathy

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Kathy,this car wreck has had me down most of the winter.I'm finally feeling like myself this last week.I promise to get this RR out by the weekend,but you probably should plan on another source for seeds this season.I start them about the same time as you and I'm going to. Sorry....It's been a tough winter,and I just can't get going again.But,like I said.I'm feeling much better this last week or so,so hopefully the worst is behind now.

Santa Clara, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Melody, it's no big deal, I have far more tomato seeds then I can ever plant (can't seem to pass them up in the magazines). Just you get better so you can start your seeds next month.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


I'm SO SORRY to hear about your car accident! I had no idea. Please put ALL your energy into getting better as quickly as possible. Your health is much more important than 'mato seeds. Don't worry yourself over it. I'm sure that every one understands and joins me in wishing you a speedy recovery!

Grecia, Costa Rica(Zone 11)

I would love to participate in the RR, but have no seeds to share yet, as I am just starting to garden here. Have a fairly small space and am strictly organic. Brought with me just enough to get started. If anyone can "stake" me I will happily return the loan next season.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

mcenerny, haven't seen you here before. Welcome to DG!
Feel free to email me if you'd like some seeds. Can't have you suffering from "lackamaters".

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