Welcome LadyLavender75

Crossville, TN

I wish to welcome Ladylavender75...I hope you enjoy it here...greatest people you'll ever meet. Here is her home page: http://davesgarden.com/members/ladylavender75/. It shows she is from Belmond, IA, and is a Master Gardener! Jo


From one newbie to another, welcome to DG. I think you will really like it here.

Montrose, PA(Zone 5a)

Welcome from Pennsylvannia Ladylavender75. I know you'll love it here!

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

Welcome to DG from a fellow MG.
You'll never met a better bunch of people than here.


Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Welcome aboard, LavenderLady!!


Belmond, IA(Zone 4a)

Hey, thanks for the welcome!! Didn't know about this forum til I was reading about it at the parking lot. I think I'm gonna like it here.

Crossville, TN

Glad you found us...now remember it for the next newbie....LOL You'll have so much fun here you'll wonder what you used to do with your time! LOL Jo

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