Baldeagle - Welcome! :)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Welcome to DG, Baldeagle. I saw your post in the computer forum and wanted to officially greet you here. We're glad you subscribed and looking forward to getting to know you. What do you like to grow best?

Baldeagle's DG member page:

Midway, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi,Kimberly. I guess I have my best luck with Sweet Corn and Tomatoes, the worst with onions. At the good old age of 84, that is this coming Oct., I have more energy plucking the keys and mouse of the computer than in hoeing weeds and other garden activities. I have owned a computer for just 2 years, as of Sept. 15, and seemed to have fouled up more times that should be expected. But that probably means I am sticking my nose in where caution would advise otherwise.

I am not a camera fiend but I do enjoy taking pictures. I am taking an online course in Digital Photography Output wherein the Instructor is performing many editing features on pictures he took of his family a few years ago. Very informative, I just need to get off my lazy fanny and practise what he is preaching.

Thanks for the Welcoming. I have enjoyed reading the many problems, and solutions, that other members have presented.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Welcome Baldeagle, I hope to be going strong when I get to be your age. Taking computer related classes is great, obviously you are not planning to check out any time soon! I found a great tool for easier gardening..... it is a stirrup hoe or scuffle hoe, it sure makes getting after those weeds easier than with a regular hoe, it cuts them off just below ground level with just a forward and back motion, you just rub it along the ground. Everybody should have one of these things. I hope we can reinspire you to action. I hope you enjoy the fun and knowledge here, there are lots of nice folks who grow just about everything. What part of the country do you live in?

Hampstead, NC(Zone 8a)

Welcome Baldeagle!

Hi, Baldeagle, and welcome to the best garden in the world.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Baldeagle - wow, eighty four years young and just getting into computers? That's TERRIFIC! I guess Lotusblossom has no excuse...Right, mom?? ;)

Mary, I've got to get one of those scuffle hoes! I wondered what those were called, thanks.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Kim, I found mine at a hardware store for about $20. If they don't have one, ask to look at their catalog that they order from and maybe you will find one there and they could order it for you.

Crossville, TN

AT LAST! Some one older than me! Welcome to the Garden, baldeagle...from and oldster in AZ..o

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Welcome Baldeagle! Midway, NC? Hmmmm...can't be too far from me, I think.

Hampstead, NC(Zone 8a)

Yeah we could have a party with all the NC people on here!



Welcome Baldeagle!

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

A big welcome from Ky.I know you will love it here.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Welcome Baldeagle!!! I'll bet your as spry as can be!!! Know you will enjoy the company, and I know you have worlds to share with us!!!


Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Oh, BaldEagle, I must snatch you and bring you to visit my grandparents! They love gardening and I just cannot convince them to get or even try a computer!!! I need some good selling strategies for them ~ what would you say? They are a tough sell!

BTW, a warm welcome to DavesGarden :)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

And happy (belated) birthday!

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Welcome Baldeagle in DG! Hope to meet you soon here.


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