I just love these things!!!

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Mings and morning glories. Wind and brugs. Me and dahlias.

We all have favorites. This is Who Dun It .

Thumbnail by Lenjo
Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Joann, this one is beautiful...like none of the other aren't. lol

This looks like a dahlia I saw at a nursery today, but it was purple. I thought about getting it, but they wanted $16 for a 1 gallon pot. I think they should have had it discounted for being at the end of the season. I guess I'll just have to look for it in the spring when I can get it as a tuber.

I forgot the name already, but I could remember it if I saw the name, or I will have to go back and write it down. lol....you know how these "senior moments" are.


Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Who is a senior, not you, not me? We who garden are always young.

(Zone 5a)

It is so beautiful and I love them as well, they just keep giving beauty once they start to bloom. My only problem is my yard is too small, I had them last year and they tried to take over the whole yard. I had 13 of the dinner plate dahlia'a and boy were they beautiful but I had to cut them back in order to mow the lawn and get out of my front door without breaking them. I hope to find a house with at least one acre so I can have them again.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Very pretty, I like this one great color.

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