Fungus took one gourd vine :( One Gourd Survived :)

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Well, even though I applied the fungus treatment last night, the one vine was in terrible shape this morning. I had a beauty on there, too, and am attaching a picture.

I have a question about how best to dry it. I really don't want to hang it because it's heavy and I'm afraid lines would form where it was strung. If I let it sit to dry, will the bottom rot? One more question, is it still possible that the extended handle will drape over like a swan as it dries? Or, will it maintain its shape as it is now?

Thumbnail by Morph
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Morph, that is a trophy! You did good! Love it!

As for your questions: No, the shape won't drape over. If it does it will be because it is weakening and rotting. There is no need to hang it to dry. I dry them on a tray made of hardware cloth/wood. That way air circulates underneath them and they don't rot. However, if you dry it in a protected area you can turn it every so often so the bottom gets access to air circulation, so no need to build a hardware cloth frame. (Air circulation is actually more important than temperature, with the exception of whether you want to save seeds. In that case, don't let it get below freezing for extended periods of time or the seeds may lose their viability. (<--edited sentence)

Now, as for that trophy...turn your head sideways. I can imagine all kinds of crafts/creatures with that gourd. Hmmm...a fat-headed snake, skinny neck, and a full belly!? And looking for more to eat? cool!
And ya know, swans also approach things like that sidewards profile...stick some legs on it, and make it look like it is looking on the ground for food (but paint it's eyes looking up, keeping an eye out!). All kinds of possibilities there!

This message was edited Wednesday, Sep 4th 11:52 PM

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Shoe :) I didn't quite catch your point on saving seeds from this little guy. You mentioned not to let it go, but I wasn't sure what you meant by that.

I LOVE your ideas ~ especially the swan with some legs looking for food, but being observant of the surroundings simultaneously. Thanks for the creative ideas!!! Actually, I think my son will favor the snake idea so maybe I'll take that route and give it as a gift to him. He was excited which made me happy :)

What could cause a gourd to weaken or rot? When I was pruning the bad vine, this one fell and my heart leapt right out of me. I inspected it and it doesn't seem to be bruised or especially soft anywhere. BUT, I have a huge fear that the drop (about 1.5') may have caused internal harm. I hope not...

Thanks for your input :) Hope the other vines will survive the fungus I've attracted...

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Sorry Morph. Don't know why that sentence came thru unfinished. I edited and corrected it.

The gourd could weaken/rot if it was bruised, or picked immaturely. Yours looks fine from what I can see tho!

Most gourds of this size are pretty tough and have develops fairly thick walls. Unless you see an actual crack/break I don't think that drop you mentioned is anything to worry about. I'd just look at it in a few days...if you see a "bruise" or soft spot then you may have a gourd that will rot. If not, you're home free! (By the way, "internal harm" makes no difference. Them babies have lots of moisture/padding in there!)

Hope to hear more about this project! I have a feeling you are totally enjoying your gourd growing!
Keep smilin'!

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Yes, enjoying them thoroughly and getting plenty of learnings for next year :) Thanks again!

If I'm able to harvest seeds from this guy, they'll be available for all that are interested! Thanks for the encouragement and information :)

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

wow!!! well, I do want seeds if you have them. This is just a fab gourd!!! You done good. I hope your other vine makes it, but at least you got one really nice one here. reach around, now pat yourself on the back:)

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

LOL, tiG! Just did that & feeling a little goofy :) I'll keep you in mind for seeds along with Shoe if he's planning to grow any gourds in his future gardens :)

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