Well its friday again

Another week gone, but it does seem to have slowed down this week, well, the weather here today is just great, it is hot here in the fens, to hot in the shleterd corners, summer has arrived, saw the first swallows here yesterday, so they must think its time, got a lot to do this weekend, so have a good one people, see you later.

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Good morning Alan and all. Too hot Alan? That's just the way you like it after the long winter!! I won't talk about our weather over here anymore unless something unusual occurs because every day will see it getting warmer and warmer. The humidity is not upon us yet and that really is nasty but doesn't usually come till July/August. We have our official new address and telephone number as from this morning so I guess we really are moving....lol!

oh congratulations louisa
alan im surprised i thought that it would still be breezy across all those flat lands ?
breezy here tho it was even warm enuff for me to sit outside

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Guess you'll be out every day now Cat - getting that tan in readiness for your holiday :-)

louisa come and chat i know youre round here somewhere lol
just trying to lose that winter pasty look lol

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

K :-)

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Cat - my neck is giving me a bad time again, so am just browsing right now and trying to lay off typing for a short while.....if I can!!

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