Just got back from Kent

Birmingham, United Kingdom

I have just spent a few days visiting Kent.I went to Sissinghurst, Great Dixter, Merriments and Pashley Manor.All were fantastic, but my favourite was Great Dixter.I just loved it there, and want to revisit in Spring.Has anyone else been?

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Oh, marigold, if only i'd known - i live in Kent!

Mark is coming to visit later this week and those are all on our list. But i agree, Great Dixter is one of the essentials, particularly at this time of year. Sissinghurst is worth a look in the spring. There's a spring walk there full of interesting bulbs. It's also good in June if you like old fashioned roses. I used to go with my parents when Vita Sackville West was living there and have fond memories.
It's character has altered rather since being taken over by the National Trust though.

I haven't been to Pashley Manor, though intend to try it. What is that like?

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Hi Philomel.Basically, it's an old manor house, a Victorian garden, with many modern sculptures which are quite unique.Have a look at the web site.http://www.pashleymanorgardens.com/

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Unfortunately their website seems to be down at the moment, but thanks for posting it and for the description. Are there plenty of interesting plants, or are they mainly focussed on the design/sculptures?

Birmingham, United Kingdom

The statues are strange and quirky and pop up in strange places. Personally, I loved them, but then I like weird things !!The plants are fairly 'run of the mill' and I didn't "ooh and aah" as much as Sissinghurst and Great Dixter, but it was a most pleasant afternoon, and the atmosphere was good.I can also recommend the restaurant for home made food at reasonable prices.

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

HI Marigold I have also just returned from visiting kent and I would dearly have loved to visit Great Dixter but my husband is not into gardening so I had to pass this time.Kent is a fabulous county. I also love statues. I have
started a file because I like to paint them. Maybe you could post some of them as I would like to see them.

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Hi Psilo, unfortunately, the digital camera gave up the ghost the day before we went to Kent.I only had an aged camera and one film, and I saved this for Great Dixter.Is your husband interested in steam railways? If so you may be able to entice him to Great Dixter on the pretence of a train ride !!!!We travelled there this way from Tenterden.They even serve cream teas and ploughman's lunches on the 40 minute journey.

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

No he isnt interested in trains but my youngest son he is obsessed with them, maybe I could wangle a trip on that pretext next time.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Well, Mark and i didn't get to any of those gardens in the end! Too many nurseries to visit, too many miles between each one and not enough hours in the day or days in the week.
We did get to Beth Chatto's in Essex, which was full of goodies, and would have liked more time there, but we had to get back for batting in the evening.........and so it goes

I've never been to any of the gardens mentioned here :(

Great Dixter is one I would like to see.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Let me know if you're ever free to go Debby - i'll join you. It's one that's worth seeing almost any time of year. He has a section with cannas and all sorts of other tender things in bright colours that's worth a look now. His nursery usually has some interesting things too - mainly shrubby as far as i remember, and loads of clematis including some more obscure spp ones.

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