Source for Narrow Copper Stripping to use for Embossed Plant Markers?

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I posted this in the Handyman forum, too. I hope that's okay!

I'm trying to find a roll of narrow copper stripping (like copper tape, only without adhesive on one side) to use for making my own embossed plant markers. I need something about 1-1.5" wide and thin enough to easily nip with tin snips and form around the wire I'll use for the stakes.

The people at Lowe's looked at me like I had two heads, and my aisle-by-aisle search turned up nothing. Wal-Mart didn't have any, either. Anyone have any good, inexpensive sources?

Would galvinized aluminum stripping work just as well for plant markers? I thought the copper would be pretty as it aged, but if it's really expensive, maybe another metal would work better? Thanks!

This message was edited Thursday, May 10th 3:25 AM

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