Need tips on Variegated Weigela

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I just got a couple fairly nice Varigated Weigila for 1/2 price at Lowe's yesterday and need tips on successful planting and care. I've tried them before and they never lived so I want to do this properly this time. I do have a place on the south end on the house where I can plant them. I live in central Missouri(zone 5). Our soil is good rich black gumbo which I can easily amend to hopefully improve the drainage. Do any of you have any advice for me? Just how tall and wide will these plants get eventually?

Franktown, CO(Zone 5a)

My neighbor has one on north side of house but it gets lots of sun. It is 8 ft tall and probably 6-7 ft wide. I just love mine that I propagated from his!!

This message was edited Monday, Sep 2nd 11:19 AM

Circleville, OH(Zone 8b)

When I plant mine I put in a mix of peat moss, topsoil, steer manure with some slow release fert. They take off real good and I trim them about twice a year.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7b)

I have a huge varigated weiglea on the north side of my house and would love to know how you propagated yours? I have tried several times to take cuttings, but they never root for me. Any help would be appreciated.

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

I have been nursing cuttings for about a month now. So far nothing. Next season I am going to bury a shoot in the ground for layering and see what happens.

Botanica says from summer cuttings. I am doing tip cuttings. Maybe I should have gone down the shoot a few nodes.

I have just removed the cuttings from the perlite-water mix into soil under lighting to see what happens.

This message was edited Sunday, Sep 22nd 12:11 PM

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I bought a variegated Weigela 'Carnival' from Spring Hill (before I knew better :)

It was TINY - came in a 4" pot and the top growth wasn't much bigger than the pot it came in. But I set it out in a raised bed, with decent soil (nothing to write home about, but better than straight red clay). The first season it grew pretty well, but I wasn't sure it would make it.

The second season it bloomed great, grew a lot more and developed a nice weeping form. Where the branches touched the ground, they developed nice healthy roots. I cut off the rooted cuttingsthem off and sent them home with my mom since we anticipated we'd be moving soon.

Long story short, they will root quite nicely if you layer them, or just let them do it all by themselves. Of course, it works best if the plant is in a bed, and isn't trying to layer in turf grass (which is why I can't get rooted cuttings from MIL's shrub :)

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