
Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

I saw your post about the moonvine, and I had posted this same pic awhile back but couldn't really get a good ID on it. I was wondering if this looked anything like your's? The seeds I planted were labled "pink moonvine" Mine is budding out nicely now, and has only had one bloom to open(which I missed by the way) So I thought I would at least ask ya.

Thumbnail by MOLLYBEE
Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

The leaves are similar, mine are wider and a real dark green, might be your lighting, but mine gets full all day and stays dark green. The leaves are ruffly like this though. The flower is not pink or at least I don't think so, it is a more purple than pink with the center being dark purple. The flowers are 4 inches across and larger and the leaves bigger than that.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Hmmmmm, well maybe mine ain't like your's after all :( But hopefully I will be able to catch the next bloom(which should be open in the morning) and then I can get a better picture of it. I sure hope someone will be able to ID it then.
Thanks for your help anyways!

Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

If you want seeds in the fall I can add you to the list and you can grow yourself and compare. Let me know. Sorry I couldn't help more.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

O now that would be wonderful!!! Please do add me to the list for sure!! Let me know when to send the postage and I will be glad to send it.
Not a probelm that you couldn't help, I was just grasping at straws anyway. I can't wait to get this ID! It is a very healthy vine but I am puzzled as to the name of it!

Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

Not a problem. Had tons of seeds last year and with the amount of flowers I got going this year looks like the same again. Only thing, I just hate peeling the seeds out of the hairy shell.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

About how many seeds are in one seed pod?? Would it be too much for one trade?? If not, you could just send me the whole pod, and I would do the messy part hee hee
Not saying that I want a whole pod, b/c I don't have a clue as to how many are in one pod. Just a thought.

Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

One pod usually only has about 4 seeds in it, sometimes only 1 or 2. That's why I just hate doing it. So time consuming when you see how many pods I usually get. I cam send you some both ways. Then you know what to look for, not that it is hard just messy.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

O ok, I understand. I have good news though!!! The vine in the picture above has bloomed for me! Finally!!! I will have to post in in the a/m because we are fixing to get a storm here and I always unplug the puter! Of all times for it to rain!!!

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Mollybee - these leaves must be from the base of the plant? The leaves in your other picture look like they're lobed.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Good eye Sue, you are right! This picture above was taken back a few months ago when the vine first started out. But now the leaves have changed and became lobed on further up the vine.
I think that Daturapod(Larry) has it ID as "Ipomoea Macrorhiza" I think that is the way he spelled it. I still haven't been able to find a picture of that named plant so that I can compare the 2 but I am hoping that this is the name.

Ipomoea macrorhiza has the folllowing synonymes: (lolol!!!)

Convolvulus macrorhizus
Ipomoea jalapa var. macrorhiza
Ipomoea jalapa forma macrorhiza
Ipomoea michauxii
Ipomoea purshii

I have seen I. macrorhiza spelled two different ways; both as macrorhiza and macrorrhiza. Thiey might be different species.

Ipomoea jalapa:
Ipomoea macrorhiza:

I am still curious about this one; maybe I'll mail Ron and ask him.

(Zone 8a) leaves look different then yours, yours are more pointed and mine is more rounded like and greener too!

Please post a pic when it blooms!

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Imaseed, It has bloomed!!! Here is a picture of it. I am soo proud of it too!! Only thing is, it only blooms late late in the evening, right before dark. So if and when your's get's a bud on it you will know when to catch it bloomed out. Now Dave posted a picture of some thing that might be a little closer to what you have, I'll let you decide.
Here's mine-----
and here is Dave's----

It looks so nice! I hope someone will be able to get an idea. I have looked thru all my books and searched at google; but I didn't find any picture.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Have you posted a picture of your's yet?? I'd love to help you hunt for the ID to it!

(Zone 8a)

Molly...after seeing the pics above I have determined ours are one and the same! Mine did bloom and looks just like yours! Buds, leaves, flowers and all!

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

O Wonderful!!! O just love mine! Larry told me that the name of it is Ipomoea Macrorhiza! But I still like to call it my pink moon vine hee hee after all it blooms at night! LOL O and if you happen to have one that is "almost" bloomed out....try touching it real easy and stand back and watch the magic unfold right before your eyes! I did that and was soooo thrilled to actually see a flower blooming right in front of me!! You need to try this! It is soooo neat!! You'll know by looking which one to touch too, it'll be the one that looks like a bubble, or maybe like a deflated balloon. Be sure and get pictures too, b/c I wanna see your's too!!

(Zone 8a)

I will try touching one to see what happens! I was watching a bud the other evening and it was poofed out and a couple seconds later looked at it and it had opened!

I did post a pic look under 'after 2 yrs and it finally bloomed!'

Let me know what ya think!

This message was edited Tuesday, Sep 3rd 8:59 PM

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

OOOO That's it!!!! I'm soo happy for you!!! Don't cha just love it?!! Soo happy that you have one just like mine!
Next time, when you touch the bud....don't look away! Just keep watching it! you'll be amazed!!
Happy Happy Happy for you!!

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