Oh dear

The holiday is over, the sun is shining looks like another lovely today 07.00
For all those poor people that planted out those plants on the bank holiday, we woke up to a frost.My Unvalaria is just strarting to show its buds,and the Primula florinda are now making growth. had a lovely two days in the garden .
have a nice day, and just to really truful. I LEFT MY NEWLY MADE UP BASKETS OUT OVERNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes tink t is a very nice morning, warmest so far, clear sky and sunshine with a very light wind, i never leave or put out plants this early, no matter how it is, or tempting, my baskets are nearly done, poor show that they are this year, and only four of them too, normaly have ten,i have a lot to do today, so i will see you all later, have a good day all.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Good Morning folks!A frost!!!!! When does spring get there??? Well nice and warm here already this morning it is about 6am right now and it is shaping up to be another warm day...looks like no rain to be found. We had a cloud pass over us yesterday that dropped at least 4 rain drops then left and went to the UK..Alan, I think that fan I am using is blowing away our rain, I may have to shut it off!HA! You folks have a great day today. Catch up with ya'll later! Lisa

Lisa, This is spring. We have frost at night in the spring, then no frost after May and it's summer, up to 90 if we're lucky, then frost in September for autumn, then frost/snow for winter, and rain at any time. Is your weather different then?

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Yes Mary, it is really different here in the south..our last frost date is always listed as March. But it is usually Febuary when our last frost occurs. By May we are well in the 90's and 100 degree temps. Today in the direct sun it was 105* at 10 am! Our summers are usually full of humidity and rain almost everyday in the afternoon. We have hurricanes too.. In September we are still hitting the 80's and 90's. Sometimes even in December we will have 70* days! By January we are having cold weather, rarely in the teens. So yes, we do live "worlds apart!" Isn't this fun finding out our differences....

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh, you early risers (6am, Lisa??) make my toes curl! LOL. It's been in the 70's and sunny the past two days, following on the wet heels of a wonderful full night's gentle rain. It's been lovely her in central Ohio!

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