Monday, Monday...................

Troy, VA(Zone 7a) good to me! Or so the song goes. Not so for me this morning, the washing machine is leaking. Like I really needed this to happen just when we are about to move. But hey, mustn't sweat the small stuff!! I really can't complain about the mornings here, they are just too beautiful. The sun is filtering through the trees and my hubby just made breakfast. What more could I ask for! I did have a rude awakening though. Was still in bed and looking out of the window saw the clematis really rocking and rolling and wondered where this strong wind had suddenly arrived from. Got up to take a closer look and there was a red cardinal caught under the deer netting that protects my plants. Screamed at my dh to get out there and rescue the poor bird and of course he did. I wonder what the rest of the day will offer me!! Hope you all had a great weekend and your mornings also start off 'with a bang' :-)

Hello Louisa

i just woke up, i have had a wonderful day today, the sun had been shining all day long, and i had a day out in cambridge and ely with a friend, now worries no hassel just good company and pleasent weather, just great.

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

Hi Louisa....I believe that song has a line that goes"Monday,Monday..can't trust that day.Monday,monday..sometimes it just turns out that way."
Sounds like every day to me!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Gwist - how lovely it is to see a new name here and from Europe too. If you have not posted before then hello and welcome. I have a daughter in Germany who used to work at the UN in Geneva. It seems that Mondays are not too hot on your list. I thought I was having a good start this morning even with the washing machine problem but sad news today has cast a shadow for me. Still, it's another day tomorrow. Hope you come back soon :-) Alan I'm so glad that you are feeling well and that you had such a wonderful day in my old neck of the woods - wish I could have been with you. Chat soon - :-)

[ Removed per member request. - Admin]

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Louisa what a day you had....hope it shaped up better as it went on! I pulled up all my petunias today because the growing season is almost over here for them. They were looking "leggy and spent". I am still wishing for rain...if anyone has too much, i will gladly send sase for rain! Ha! Alan, sounds like you had wonderful day today! I'm glad!! See yall...Lisa

i too had a most excellent day excellent company sun was shining too
im bubbling

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

Hi Louisa and Patty(and everyone!),I am finally back! I just finished cleaning up after making 5 kilos of sausages..don't ask!Louisa,I have heard that Geneva is beautiful,but after 10 years I still haven't been there.You guessed it ,though,Mondays are cleaning and washing days for me(ugh!).Thursdays too..although with 4 kids,everyday is C&W day!I hope your last 2 days weren't as eventful as Monday.Luckily we have no deer problems here,but the martens and foxes are another story completely..

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Gwist - I HAVE to ask....5 KILOS OF SAUSAGES????? Phew!

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

yeah..i'm like that sometimes!!I have to get it out of my system somehow,and cooking is my passion!¨Maybe I can trade sausages for plants :).

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Gwist - My daughter will have her first baby, God willing (she's having problems) in October. Her husband is a land surveyor and setting up his own business. They have been frantically trying to find a new home and office and at last they have found the ideal!! So now she will have her first garden and she is over the moon. Perhaps once she gets going she will be able to trade with you. She is not far from Lake Constance but don't have her new address as yet. I have tried to get her to come to this site and I think she probably will some time in the future. LOL ....I have visions of you pushing all that sausage meat into those skins!!!! :-)

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

LOL!!! please give her my e-mail addy..I am about 5 hours away.I live in Biel,if it means anything to her...about an hour from the border.Visions is not the word!!! My 3 sons helped me..the oldest is just too busy at the moment!!It took 2 hours,but now they know where sausages come from( not the store!!) it was a learning experience...maybe I should be at the Stay-at-home forum instead!LOL!


Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Gwist - I will send her your email address but don't be surprised if she doesn't respond or takes her time doing it. She has not been very well at all and has had a recent operation. But her days now have to be less strenuous so I imagine she will spend most of her time on the computer trying to keep her eye on the ever changing stock markets and make some good! She is also quite shy (not at all like her mum :-) - She also teaches English to students in her home. Her eventual move will be in August of this year - she is so excited - bless her! Love your sausage stories and please keep them coming. Your kids seem to be the real 'mother's helper' in the kitchen!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Gwist - I can't send her your address unless she is a member here so I will contact you first. However, don't be surprised if she doesn't respond or takes her time doing it. She has not been very well at all and has had a recent operation. But her days now have to be less strenuous so I imagine she will spend most of her time on the computer trying to keep her eye on the ever changing stock markets and make some good! She is usually quite shy at first (not at all like her mum :-) - She also teaches English to students in her home. Her eventual move will be in August of this year - she is so excited - bless her! Love your sausage stories and please keep them coming. Your kids seem to be the real 'mother's helper' in the kitchen!

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