Almost passionless!!!!

Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)

I have had over 50 passion vines until this morning. After the closing on our home today, I believe I have only 15 or 16 left. I ran out of time, after cleaning the house and touching up the walls I only managed to make a run to the house after 10pm last night. This morning I loaded a few more after the closing, which I set aside earlier on the neighbor's yard.
Somehow I forgotten a few of my own hybrids!! :( *SNIFF*

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Tim - I and am sure everyone else - will gladly give back to you what you so generously gave to all of us. Tell us what ones you weren't able to take with you. I'm sure we can get your collection going again.

Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks, but in a way I think this is best since I do not have room for them now. A few were rooted for you, Cala, CC, and Elizabeth, I'll have to try again before winter arrive.
Next year will be another year to start from seeds, I have some stashed away in the fridge from Elizabeth and Myles. Will send you and Cala a few to start now.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Tim, glad you closed on your house, sad you didn't get all your plants. If you need something, we will be more than happy to start it for you.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

And now that you'll be further north you'll be needing some plants that are hardier,so we can replace those too!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

If I have anything that you need, just yell. Be glad to help you get back in the swing of things with whatever I have.

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