Morning Glory Tree

Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

Here is a picture of my Morning Glory Tree. Sorry for the grumpy look, been a bad week at work. Boy I need a vacation, LOL.

Thumbnail by DeeinFL
Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

you had a vacation!!!!!!! but you have a very hard job too!!

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

You look just fine. I see lots of blooms that will be open in the morning. They are very showy. I had to plant one in the back of my house so I could see the blooms face on. The one in the front opens to the east sun so it is actually backwards to me from my porch.

(Zone 8a)

You do look weary, Dee, come to the backwaters and kick back and relax some!

I wish I had a mg is pretty!

BTW...did the snowball bush survive?

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Dee, you do look tired, but if you could see how I look right now.......eeeeeeek!! Would scare anyone. I worked so hard today, watching hummingbirds and waiting for rain. Today is our anniversary so I decided not to do ANYTHING!! I'm just wind blown. Your tree looks great. The first bloom that I had appears to be making seed now. Sure hope so.

Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

You know I didn't realize those dark circles there till I enlarged the picture, yuk!! Things are only going to start getting worse, we have 9/11 to get through and then we have to close out the budget and start a new one. Won't be slow at work again till Nov. DH tried to help with the picture but he cut the top off. Oh well, was trying to show the height. Rebecca, remind me this fall and I will send you a cutting. This has been blooming since it got hot back in May or Jun I believe. tiG, did yours get this tall?? Brugie I talked with DH and he agrees that I should make a trip over to your house next summer.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Dee are you trying for the "Wilson " effect?

You know,the guy on "tool time" that you never got to see his whole face...

I think you look great for someone doing everything your doing!
My MG bush is starting to bloom ,but I never seem to catch the blooms before they fade,not as big as yours though....

Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

Rebecca, forgot to tell you, the snowball bush is doing great, can't believe how much it has grown. It didn't bloom though, is it an early bloomer, or is it still to young yet.

CC - you like that look, thought I would show only part of the face, didn't want to scare anyone. Don't forget, you will have to put the MG bush (tree) in your greenhouse, it gets cold and it dies. I just chop it back to about 6-8 inches and winter over the mother plant and stick the cuttings in a bucket of water for the winter. They do just fine. Is your greenhouse finished?? Send a picture.

Oops - forgot, good luck at the fair with the chickens!! Am rooting for you.

This message was edited Wednesday, Aug 21st 10:16 PM

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Dee, I told Karyn that I still chuckle every time I think about her giving chickens a bath.

Bet those MG cuttings are loaded with roots by spring. I've found a small shoot at the base of the plant and I cut it off and into a couple of pieces. Stuck them in water today so will see how it works for me.

Hope you can come for a visit next summer. Would be great!!

Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

Shirley, giving them a bath, you ought to see them groom the tops of the heads, the feathers colors separate and they have to be in a straight line, they just pluck the stray ones out. They showed me while I was there, it was so funny. I know she is gonna groan if she sees this post and the way I described it.

You should have roots on them babies in a few days. Doesn't take them long at all.

Plane on comeing, I will be up that way when school is out, step-daughter's graduation is then.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Gosh, I'm getting excited and that is 9 months from now. Have to get a party planned. :-)

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

the way you discribe it it sounds like I'm one of those monkeys in the zoo picking nits out of the fur of their buddies.

And the polish take a lot of grooming.Not happy with the way some of the birds looked today,only ended up taking 65 instead of 77.Some were Sumatras(the all black with long tails)

Judging is Sunday and Monday.Hoping after all this work we take home some champions!

And you guys are welcome to come over and help give them baths.I have shows every weekend till the middle of october,then one in November in Ohio,so I need lots of help...LOL

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

CC, I think I'll pass. I'm not a big chicken lover unless it comes from the skillet and I doubt your chics are that kind.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Dee, mine's close to 6ft but the storm we had the other night has made it lean terribly. It's in a new bed, and I don't want to go messing around in there and pack down the dirt. Have had the baby all week 24/7 and have hardly been outside. Tomorrow is MINE!!! (hopefully) and I'm going to stake it up. Wish I'd known that they bloom to the east, it's on the south/west side of the bed and blooms to the center. Next year I'll know. I love this plant, the blooms are huge and wonderful.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

well I have 1 question to come I do not have one of these in my garden???? didn't even have it in my mind............

Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

kell, you don't have one cause you weren't a member back in the spring when I was giving the cuttins away. If you want one will send you one when I cut this thing back.

tig have you been getting alot of storms. we are getting very little rain, boy we sure could use some. What you need to do is teach Emily how to pull weeds. Then you can be out in the garden.

Shirley I think a party sounds good. The brugs won't be blooming that early will they??

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

we got one storm, the only rain we had in 6 weeks. If it wasn't for the ponds, we'd be out there all day and night.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Kell,mine has 3 big shoots coming out from the bottom.I could cut one and send it to you.....

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

aren't you guys nice........thanks!!! And CC, I would love to come and bath your babes........... what fun! I would love to raise fancy chickens. I wish I had some room!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Sorry Dee, won't be much of anything blooming at that time of the year. Just hope it is warm so we can be outside enjoying Mother Nature.

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