My very first!

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

There I was, just standing in the middle of my little city garden, admiring my handywork and planning how to change things next year. I just happened to turn and THERE IT WAS!!! A HUMMINGBIRD!!! IN MY BACKYARD!!!! It was at one of my Cannas. It quickly flew away, but that brief moment gave me such a giddy feeling. But.........who could I tell? Nobody is at home. I know, (I thought to myself) I'll tell my friends at DG.
Thanx for listening and letting me share.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Alright! That must be exciting. I've only seen a few and that was in my mom's garden. May someday I'll see one here.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I wish I had a better camera and also that the hummers would sit still long enough for me to get a good picture. It is a riot here when there are a dozen or more fighting over the feeders. I have enough for everyone, but they seem to want to play around a lot. I make a quart of sugar water each day for them. Hungry little critters.

Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

ms brugie, that's a lot!!! i had a hummer experience late this pm, moving a sprinker on potted brugs near low oak branches, this little guy took a shower. he was motionless, watering hitting his front, then he turned to the back, sat on a branch and shook, and repeated 4-5x. i thought, i wonder how long they have been doing this and this is the first time i have seen. it was so peaceful. my kids were unimpressed. i stressed to them, they will remember some day, it's the littlest things that make life the best! dd is like.... not hummers!!!!

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

I love to sit on my screen porch and watch the hummers go from one canna to another to the feeder, and the rose bushes. Nature will never disappoint me.


Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

Celia, isn't it just the greatest feeling? when I see one, it just gives me such a warm feeling...
I dont have many, just a couple now and then, I think they come around when I'm at work, or inside.

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Two days after I saw the first one, my DH and I were in the backyard and ZOOM!!!! Two zipped by us! Now DH wants to get a feeder!

Arlene, I find it easier to get him enthused than the kids! They just don't get it yet! have shown up between 6 & 7 in the evening both times I saw them.

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