Snail Vine.

(Zone 5a)

Well I am to thrilled, my snail vine is just now starting to bloom. The reason I didn't post a picture because it's the first and to small to see but the buds beside it will be bursting open soon. I can't wait to smell the wonderful fragance of this beauty that everyone been telling me about.
I did take Cala's advice and gave it a good scolding, I also ask it if it remembered what happened to that lazy Trumpet Vine and I just politly stated that it would be next in line if it didn't bloom lol.

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

Mine is ready to open also, didn't even threaten it, but that trumpet vine has its' last reprieve! DH put up a trellis, it is growing "up and over", SE side of garage, tried everything. NOTHING. Blooms ziltz.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

That great for you Wind worth to wait and now finally start to blooms wull have flowers within few days, take photo when it ready and I know you will love it smell so wonderful.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Hate to tell you all this, but the snail vine doesn't have any fragrance. The corkscrew vine is the one that smells so good.

New York, NY(Zone 7a)

I planted a snail vine earlier this summer. The catalog said it was a 'perennial' so I figured it would be fine through the winter. Now I've read that it may not be good in my zone (7). But I've had other things come back that should have absolutely failed, am I doomed? Should I take the roots inside and pot them for the winter?

New York, NY(Zone 7a)

I thought they were the same? Anyhow, I purchased a corkscrew vine......

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

I know she has Corkscrew vine not snail vine. right Wind???

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Wind, I sent you a corkscrew vine. T&M calls them 'snail vines' and that's sort of stuck with me. I didn't have the blue snail vine till this summer, so I know I sent Wind a corkscrew vine.

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

Mine is the corkscrew vine also.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I have them both and the corkscrew vine is so much prettier. The snail vine would have been okay, but it really needs lots of room to grow, more than the corkscrew vine. My snail vine is all over the flower bed plants and growing across the yard on the ground. Not as many flowers, but that may be because I haven't fertilized it or given it any care.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Alright,I need them both so I can make the comparison and then we'll know if the are differnt!....LOL

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Brugie.. can u pls. save me some seeds of both the snail and corkscrew vine. thanks!

(Zone 5a)

ROTFLMBO Hibiscus and I know how you feel. The one I had out front in full sun is history, the one in the back is still here because I can't pull it up without killing the rest of the plants around it. Soon as fall comes it will be history as well.

Thank RR
I have both Brugie, I bought the Snail Vine and Cala sent me the Corkscrew Vine(thanks). I thought the one Dave had was a Snail Vine and he said it had a wonderful fragance. Could you post a picture of both vines so I will know the difference, I would appreciate it.

I am with you Crested the only problem is that I planted both of mine on the same trellis together.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

CC, I'll start some cuttings of the blue one tomorrow to go with the corkscrew.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Calla,you are my Fairy Godmother!

(Zone 5a)

Isn't she something, Cala your one in a millon.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

MVR.....I will save seed if it has time to mature here. So far I haven't seen a pod, but the snail vine is running rampant, and there may be pods hiding someplace. The corkscrew, I'm almost sure, won't have time to make seed for me, but I can send you a rooted cutting later. LMK. Can root the snail vine for you too.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Thanks S. :). rooted cutting will be fine, if seeds aren't available. deeply appreciate that!

Kingston, GA(Zone 7b)

I would love to have seeds or a starting of both the corkscrew and snail vine too. I have a large picket like fence at the side of my yard that is just hollaring for some vines to cover it. I usually cover it with Bean Hyacinth vine each year but would love to have a change for next year. I will be glad to find some kind of plants or send postage for trade. Will someone please share with me too? :)

(Zone 5a)

CB I am not sure if I will get seeds from the snail vine, our season is too short and I have been told that they are slow on making seeds. I don't know how my venture on cuttings will go but I am trying to root some now but not sure how it will turn out.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Wind, I'm trying cuttings too and the snail vine roots really easily, but can't find good material on the corkscrew vine to cut for rooting. It all has buds on it right now. Will figure out how to do this sometime so maybe I can help others with some vines.

CB, I'll do my best for you, but no promises.

(Zone 5a)

K :}

Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

I have the snail vine running rampant here and has started getting lots of blooms. I will try rooting some as well, but since our growing season is longer than ya'lls if it makes seeds I can send out seeds to those that want them. Between all of us that have it. We should get everyone's wants covered.

Kingston, GA(Zone 7b)

Thank you windsurffer, Brugie, and Dee. I would be very interested in trying these on my garden's fence so please don't forget me if any of you should get seeds or rooted cuttings. I will try to find some type of plant to trade you or I can send postage, whichever you prefer. Thanks! :)

(Zone 5a)

DeeinFl that is so kind of you, thank you.

I will let you know.

Chipley, FL(Zone 8a)

I just to some cuttings, so here's hoping that they work. Will keep you updated.

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