Journal May 6, 2001

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I think I was discussing fingernails on the live chat with someone yesterday. Jokingly saying I was going to have my nails done or something. Yesterday I jabbed my right thumb with a thorn needle, and then yesterday afternoon I decided now or never to plant the 25 pecan trees I got from the Mo. Dept. of Conservation. Another one of my many projects that showed up in the mail when my new Grandson arrived. Hubby had healed them in the garden, but they had decided to sprout and it was raining so I thought it would be a good time. While in the process I jabbed some splinter of sorts under another nail on my hand. Glad I don't have another daughter getting married soon or anything. A nurse I work with is alway digging something out of my hand. He also saves me all the little betadine packs that comes in the IV start kits. They come in handy lambing season and I used quite a few of them when some of the ewes got a little knicked with shearing. Amazing what some places throw away.
EvaMae, I laughed when I read your recommendations for my hubbies recovery for his cold and sore throat. Have you been spying in our medicine cabinet? I didn't think you had ever come to visit me? I have been really proud of my husband. He has always battled his weight and this year has lost over 100 pounds! and for the first time done it by eating right and exercise. Lots of vitamins in the cabinet, etc. I planted St. John's Wort last year, but alas didn't seem to survive the winter. Wonder how some nice mint tea would be? Anyone ever use sassafras? I don't have any trees, but want to find some somewhere.
I can see my calves waiting for breakfast. I have been giving them feed with the milk replacer sprinkled on top. They will soon have to live without that. I think my little heifer is finally over her cough.
better sign off and get something done around here.

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