Two computers in the same home with dial up?

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Okay, let me first tell you what brought up this discussion between DH and I. Tonight we were walking through the unfinished house and discussing the phones and where to put the phone jacks. We finally compromised by deciding to put one in every room and have an extra phone that will roam around as needed. That led to the discussion about the computer line. We can only get dial up here in the boondocks, and we have a separate phone line for the computer. I want to put a phone jack for the computer in the office, Jaden's bedroom and the family room. There WILL be a computer in my office and Jaden's room, and I want a jack in the family room in case I want to move the computer in there once all the kids are moved away.

What I'm wondering is if there's a way, with a dial up connection, of connecting two computers at the same time through the same phone line? I really hate to give up my DG time for Jaden to research for homework, but I will if I have to. Is there a way to network them? I will call my ISP in the next few days to discuss this, but I would like some feedback so I kinda know what I'm talking about when I talk to them. I know what I want, I just don't know if it's possible or workable. I'm all for them charging me more monthly if it's a workable situation. What I don't want, is to have to put in yet another phone line.

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