Cala can you tell me.

(Zone 5a)

Cala I know that you wanted the white chilean jasmine plant and if you will tell me how to root some cuttings I will send you some. This is the first time I have grown this plant, I tried last year but the small plant that Jackson&Perkins sent me didn't make it. So I would be more than happy to send you some if I knew how to root them.

Thumbnail by windsurffer
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Wind, I wish I could tell you. I'll have to ask someone and get back to you.
I just realized there was a photo!! Do you have this vine???? Does it smell good?? I want one, waaaaah!!

This message was edited Tuesday, Aug 20th 6:03 PM

(Zone 5a)

Yes I do have this vine and I am the one that posted the picture, that's when you told me that you wanted this one.
They do have a wonderful fragance but it is not strong but very delicate. I am going to try some rooting medium and see if that works.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Wind, I'd try semi-ripe cuttings.

(Zone 5a)

Will do, thanks.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Wind, I tried experimenting with some Non-mandevilla hard to root vines today. I took a supple stem and cut below each node, dipped in rooting hormone and stuck in vermiculite. I'll let everyone know how it works.
I forgot to mention that last year, I layered some mandevilla and they worked really good.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Cala, this year the rabbits ate off a big stem from one of my mandevilla plants and I'm sure it must have laid on the ground for several hours. I just stuck it in dirt and it has rooted. I wonder, since this plant has that milky substance that runs out when it is cut, if it needs to heal before being planted. I'm going to try some that way and see if it works.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

That makes sense. Wonder if the same is true for Jasmines?

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

There was a fairly large limb that got broken on my Christmas Poinsettia. Since I wasn`t allowed outside I didn`t find it until two days ago when I sneaked out to the green house. I clipped all of the wilted leaves off, which dripped milk, then stuck the dried end in moist dirt. When I looked today it is still standing firm and there is a small amount of new growth showing on the tips. This could be comming from the the limb as it hasn`t had time to root yet. It never hurts to try.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I've only been successful at getting one Jasmine cutting to root. I smashed the bottom inch of the stem and put it in water until it got that big bulby look and then put it in dirt. Must have taken another three months to develop a good root system.

(Zone 5a)

Cala I cut a piece just below the node today using a rooting medium and put it in a good soiless potting mix so I'll let you know how it turns out.
Finding a piece to cut was the hard part I had to get a chair and find the top of the plant, it is to tightly wrapped around the trellis that I couldn't find an end piece.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Wind, do you have this in a greenhouse? If it is outside, how do you get it in for winter protection? Sounds just beautiful.

(Zone 5a)

This is my first time growing this plant and it is outside. I don't bring them in at all I don't have enough room or light in my house. With any luck I hope to be moving this fall to a larger house and will take these with me.
What I have done in the past with plants that are not suppose to make over the winter months is cover them with garden cloth(black)and lots and lots of hay or straw and hope they make it.

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