Hello to Flsuncoast

Crossville, TN

I saw Flsuncoast on another thread...thought I'd stop by here and start a big WELCOME for her. She lives in Sarasota, FL., and joind DG July 27th. (I think one of our favorite story tellers is from there originally!) Annie....come by and sit a spell and tell us about yourself. Jo

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Welcome to the Flsuncoast, from the west MD mountains.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Welcome to DG, Miss Florida Sunny Coast!! You have found your new home!!


Crossville, TN

Flsuncoast...We have another member from Sarasota....DaleP...know him/her? Jo

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

On his dreary overcast day, but still hot and humid, I would welcome some Florida sunshine. If we are going to have the heat lets see the sun, right!! Welcome and enjoy!!

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9a)

WOW! Thank you guys for the very warm welcome. Everyone so far has been beyond nice! I might actually get to meet Tim today before he leaves, which would be real kewl, :-)

Not come accross DaleP yet. I would like to though, :-)

OK, about Mike & I. Mike, he's your standard lurker, LOL. He spends about 2 hours nightly looking at Dave's gathering a ton of information. By profession, Mike is a computer nerd and I mean that only in the kindest sense. He really is a wiz with hardware/software/operating systems/networks. He is basically self taught and one of those who is able to learn by just reading and doing.

He also is a photographer ( http://www.FloridaPhotos4U.com ), a 3-D animator (he is currently doing a 3-D animation of our proposed Garden Area), and he owns a small web hosting company with some of the best prices on the net ( http://www.BestDealWebHost.com ), anyone looking for web hosting or having a site built? LOL Web site design and set up is something both Mike and I do.

If any of you are into roses, Mike's brother Kenny, has an online rose store information site. He shippes his roses everywhere and has quite a large rose nursery ( http://www.muncyrose.com ). This site is one of the largest that Mike and I have done, :-) Kenny is trading us gardening supplies for work on his fall catalogue so we are getting a nice step up with getting our garden going.

As for me, well I am disabled (I have MS, HVC and chronic fatigue-way unkewl combo!) but LOVE Gardening. I spent the first 5 years of my life growing up on my Great-Grandfathers farm with him and my grandparents. This was and still is, an Amish Dairy farm in PA. Needless to say, we grew everything we ate and if you didn't help on the farm, you didn't eat. I can remember barely being 3 and helping gather eggs, beans, berries and helping in the garden. I spent most of my childhood summers on this farm and I am continuelly amazed at how much I remember from what my great-grandfather and grandparents tried to teach me about gardening.

Both Mike and I are native Floridians and have lived here in Sarasota for 5 years now.

Between Mike and I we have 4 boys and 1 girl ages 30 through 15). I have two boys with the other two boys and the one girl belonging to Mike. He has 2 grandsons by his daughter and I have a total of 9 (6 girls and 3 boys) grandchildren. Yes my two boys have been very busy, LOL.

We have two dogs, Zues and Thor who are both rotweiller mixes, Zues also being 1/2 American Bull Dog and Thor's other half American Wolf. We also have a Beta Fish, Dryfus who lives in his tank above my computer with his Peace Lilly growing from the top of his tank. Taddler is my pet Parakeet, a little one year old female who makes enough chirps for 10 birds! She lives on top of my dresser in her cage. My computer is set up here in the bedroom where I spend a lot of time, unfortunately. Mike has set up a web came and his digital camera so I can take pictures of the furry and feathered friends that visit outside my bedroom window where the butterfly/Hummingbird garden is going in. We currently have a birdbath and several feeders out to attract the feathered friends, that I can see and film from my bed, :-)

We are in the process of starting our very first garden and Mike is doing most of the work. I'm a good supervisor, LOL! I do get out and help where I can. I want to post some of the pictures we have so far so everyone can see and I will when I figure out how, LOL! Our garden areas are small but diverse. Everything in this yard from total shade to full sunlight. We currently have planned 4 seperate area's with different types of plants in each.

The garden actually got started so Mike could use it as a draw for his nature photography and not have to leave me home alone when he went out to shoot. It has turned into something we can do together and we are both not only enjoying the time we are spending together but the gardening itself.

OK, have I bored you to death yet, LOL. Once again, thank you for such a warm welcome! Both Mike and I hope to make a lot of friends here as well as learn all those gardening tips that this site has such a great variety of!

May God bless each of you with just the right amounts of sunshine and rain to make not just your garden but your lives bloom to perfect!

Annie & Mike-FLSuncoast

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

KEWL!!!! BTW.........I love roses, on my way to check out his site, and bookmark it!!


Having a hard time finding his prices :(

This message was edited Wednesday, Aug 21st 11:36 AM

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Wow Annie - thank you so much for all that wonderful information!! I took a look at your site and it is amazing and I was especially interested in the before and after shots of the remedial photos. I may have some work for you!! :-) Roses too always get top marks in my garden. I can see that you and Mike are going to be very popular and knowledgeable members. So happy you joined us!!

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9a)

Eyes, If you go to Muncy Rose Emporium and click on the "Emporium Store" from the menu on the left, then click on any of the catagories it will show you the prices. For the David Austin Roses, you have to use the drop down menu to get the price for each rose. Hope that helps.

Louisa, I have done alot of what I call Pixel Polisher work, LOL. I love taking old photos and restoring them. There are two photo's of me on that page, LOL. One of the 8 siblings from the 1st and 3rd picture. These are pictures of my family. Next to the oldest of Bruce and Janet's 8 kids. In the top picture, I'm the one with my hands on my moms shoulders. She is also the person who crocheted the birds and plant picture I posted a copy of under crafts. I am also the 2nd from the right in the photograph of the 4 kids. Glad you took a look and liked what you saw. Special restoration discounts offered to all here in Dave's, :-) ( http://www.FloridaPhotos4U.com )

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Welcome Annie. Bored with your post? NO WAY! You sound like a person who gets the mazimum out of life no matter what kind of circumstances you find yourself in. Welcome to Dave's, you fit right in here.

Circleville, OH(Zone 8b)

Welcome Annie

I should be in Florida in about three weeks so I be your neigbor soon.


Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Welcome from Ky. Already had the pleasure of meeting you in some of the forums.

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

Welcome to DG. You'll love it.

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

welcome to Dave's, I look forward to seeing you in the forums. What an interesting history of your lfe.

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9a)

Hey Mikepiper, You here yet? In Florida I mean. Where are you moving to?


Crossville, TN

He'll show up next week....in Tampa. So you may get to meet Mike yet. Jo

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

has anyone seen annie?

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