Saturday: WAKE UP!!!

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

okay ya'll, I am here before ya'll...whats the deal???? Come on get up!!! There is work to be done!!! Flowers need pricking! They are waiting for ya'll! GET UP!!!! hahahaha, and yes, that means YOU ribbit!!! sign me, the sloth aka:Lisa

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

Good morning all you sleepy heads!! or, are you all out working in your gardens? which is where I am headed. Having a gazebo put in, so have to finish prepping the area. and I built some raised vegetable beds - am itcthing to get out there and plant my tomatoes, cukes and peppers that I bought at the Garden show last friday where I met with several of the ladies from Dave's....(where I also bought the darned gazebo which is causing a lot of extra work...) the soy beans and yard long beans I had planted in jiffy pots indoors 4 days ago have sprouted, wondering if I can go ahead and pop those in the raised beds outside or should I wait a few more days???

the sun is shining, it's supposed to get into the mid sixties - does it get any better???

Hope everyone has a marvelous and productive day


Oi, seeing how the sun comes up in the East, we get up a half a day before you, and done a half days work too, maybe we should give all of you a wake up call hmmmn, should be around 2.30am is that ok, lolol, hello all.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello everyone!! Well, I've had a nice day. I actually got to relax in my garden!!! My friend Marie came round this afternoon. I've given her one or two plants. Then we had strawberries with icecream sitting out in the sun in the back garden. Mmmmmmm!!

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Gosh, I haven't stopped all day. Went shopping with little one at 8.30am to get a Christening gift for tomorrow. Then took little-un to a party, then on to get the car fixed, and now i'm too exhausted to even enter the chat room!!
(I must be tired!)

Thats my run down of todays events. Roll on Monday......nothing planned. A whole day in the garden HORRAY. Just my luck it'll rain.

Have a good evening


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lol lisa my sloth i guarantee i sleep less than you do
running on empty at the while
thanks lisa for saturday nite

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