All call for help in the seed saving howto

I'm putting in as much as I can into the seed saving database, but unfortunately my knowledge is fairly limited at this time.

I have several plants already in the database, and have a couple entries from Brook and melody. Any others want to help contribute?


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

dave, this looks like fun to me....I'll see what i can do for you. Lisa


I just read your bit about radishes. You said separate them by half a mile to ensure seed purity. Just thought you might be interested to know that, in the checking of GMO crop trials, it was shown that bees can carry pollen for over three miles.

Thanks, Mary. I got the half-mile number from the book "Seed to Seed" by Suzanne Ashworth. I'll update the radish entry with your new information.


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

William Woys Weaver says that you can plant 3 weeks apart and get pure seed that way too. That way you can have more than 1 kind of radish in your garden at a time.

I will add some more to the database as time permits...gardens take priority this time of year and the yard needs mowing.......etc.

This message was edited Sunday, May 6th 12:04 AM

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

Hi All,

I've been following these threads with great interest. Maybe when adding information such as a number of feet, etc., making note of the source might be helpful. This one is a good example of three sources with three very different numbers.

It's been a while since I added information to the database. Can different people add the same type of information/heading? Dave, you added the seed saving information. Can Mary and then Melody also add separate seed saving sections? Never mind, I just answered my own question. Mary and Melodoy can both add a section with the same heading. Adding the source of the information might be useful.


That's right, Sharon, multiple sections with the same heading can exist.

That's the beauty of the plants database. It allows multiple people to give information from their own perspective. The idea is more is better. People want information, not some sterile textbook.

I know it's a busy time of the year for our seed savers here (I'm one of them!!) so I'm going to pop in and add this other information. Brook also E-mailed me some additional info on the radish which I will put in there.


Milton, FL(Zone 8a)

On the radish pollination Suzanne Ashworth is right.While bees can and do range up to five miles from the hive they
will only work on one planting at a time.(That doesn't make sense even to me.)Let me try again.Bees orient themselves by the sun.If radish group A is at 1 o'clock from the hive and radish group B is at 6 o'clock then there is no danger of crossing if Susan's distances are observed.No individual bee will be working both groups.

This message was edited Saturday, May 19th 6:44 AM

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