Vine and staghorn fern!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I really wanted to show my staghorn fern, but I can't find a forum for it..........and since this also has a vine in it.................. I will settle for here......LOL! I can't do a close up on my fern for it has lots of old fronds on it............ it needs a clean up and I just have not had time!

Thumbnail by Kell
(Zone 8a)

What kind of vine is that? It is gorgeous! Tropical I bet!

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

kell, I hope you can post another shot of the staghorn. Mine have been neglected lately also, but they surre are tough. Gorgeous vine.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Yeh, what is that vine?

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Kell, Can I ask you where you bought your vine?
I took a cutting off one just like it while down in Southern Calif. but it didn't make it. I just love that vine.


(Zone 8a)

Kell...where are you? Stirring trouble somewhere else! LOL

What the heck is it???

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Of course she is, lol. Kell dearie, what is that gorgeous vine(the fern is beautiful too, but I killed mine)

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Sadly I was at work to support my plant habit........and had to stop at 2 plant places for a quick fix..... there is 3 hour difference..........

Cala that is the vine I have for you.......LOL!!
I just love it also!!

It is a Distictus Rivers sometimes called Riversii. Where it is hotter it blooms profusely! Here the Distictis buccinatoria blooms profusely.

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

wow, kell...i just looked at the rest of the pics in the link and having trouble catching my breath!!! i'm going to have to send you a picture of a fence in my new yard so you'll feel sorry for me and send me some of those!!! gosh, that's so pretty, i think i could even wait for seeds to sprout (i'm not patient enough, normally)! what can i do? what can i give you? anything you want!! oh, i know, i have about a million bulbs coming in soon from white flower farms!!!! want some???? if you see what they have, and want something, i probably ordered at least 20 of it!!! i REALLY love this vine!! i'm feeling kind of bad, though, that you put the original pic in to show off a fern?? i didn't see it! sorry!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

What is your first born like, Meiyu??

This message was edited Tuesday, Aug 20th 12:05 AM

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

hahaha!!!! couldn't wait for him either!! let's see, he got so tired of me doing all the talking he decided he'd better get an early start at 8 months, he's a montessori raised gifted and talented honors student in his senior year of high school who speaks 3 languages, is an award-winning artist and a published writer who thinks he's smarter than me, and, since he is, it frustrates the heck out of me!! hahaha!!! he's 17 years old, and still tells me he loves me (only when no one else can hear him, of course), and argues with me as often as he can. he's a portrait artist at fiesta texas (six flags, san antonio), and gave me a beautiful sketch of me for my birthday last week...the most awesome gift i've ever gotten in my entire life. what's my first born like? exactly what i'd always hoped he would be...a 17 year old brat with an attitude who gets on my nerves because he leaves his laundry on the floor and who'll break my heart because soon his laundry's gonna be on his own floor somewhere away from here, starting a life apart from mine.
oh, great, kell!!! see what you did to me??? hahaha!! don't get me thinking about my baby leaving me too, now!! she just started high school today!!! do you see why i need more flowers now??? hahaha!!! why'd you ask me that, anyway? got me by surprise there!! by the way, conor will probably be living in California next year. he's not sure where he's going to school yet, but we stay at our family's beach house in santa barbara every summer and he loves it there. are you anywhere around that area?

i'm still wondering how we got to talking kids, or maybe first born means something else to gardeners, and i just made a complete idiot of myself, which is normal for me! like, i just figured out that everyone calls their significant other, "DH" here...can someone explain that to me??? well, bedtime for me. i'm really going to take a pic of my fence tomorrow and put it in the photos. you have exactly what it needs...i just gotta figure out what it is you need! (you have just about everything, i think, cuz i see your name everywhere here!!) good night, now!

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Meiyu! LOL. I wanted to see how bad you wanted this vine....were you willing to trade your first born? But forget it, I have already traded an older version of yours off to Cala today and I sure do not need another one who will think I am so very dumb! LOL! Believe me when I say this to you, after 1 month of having the house to yourselves after both are on their merry way you will rediscover peace and quiet and then the first time they come home for an extended stay of longer than 3 days you will understand why God has them grow up and leave home.

My boy is 20 and I thought I would die when he went off to college. Then he came home for Christmas and I was ready for him to leave after 3 days! Now he is going to live with Cala.............. we are negotiating who will pay his college tuition.

This message was edited Tuesday, Aug 20th 4:03 AM

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Somehow, I think Kell got the better end of this deal, lol. Watch her everyone, she'll take your firstborn with out blinking an eye!!!

Cullman, AL(Zone 7a)

Can I get some of that vine if I trade a 15 year old tyrant who believes that the world revolves around her and that school is dumb and boring...she makes straight A's and scored highest in the school on her SAT test, but boy...when it comes to love...she has a lot of learning to do!! and I'm doing my best to make sure she learns it MUCH later in life....
When I was 15....I thought holding hands was a big deal

This message was edited Tuesday, Aug 20th 6:25 PM

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, ArtyMiss, don't even get me started on 15 year old girls and how times are changing, and why couldn't my daughter be ugly like me!!?? The best thing I've got going for my sanity right now is knowing that her big brother is going to pull every boy in school aside and 'warn' them that her mother was a licensed private investigator and could be anywhere at anytime...watching!! Hahaha!!!

Kell, I used to think I'd die before I'd ever let them move out, but I'm quite sure God created adolescence to help us mothers learn to get over the dependency. And maybe gardens to give us something to nurture when no one is left, and flowers to give us something we can raise to blossom into something beautiful and doesn't talk back!!! My aunt and uncle in Shafter keep telling me that life without kids is wonderful....I wonder if they know that Conor intends to move in with them when he leave me?? Hahaha!!! You never did tell me if you live near Santa Barbara...maybe he'll move in with you!!!

So, do I get a darn vine, or what!!! Hahahaha!!!

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

keeeeellll!!! did you see my first-born??? i put his pic in photo for you!!! i want a cutting of your vine...puleeeezzzzeeee???? (i whine pretty good, huh?)

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Sorry ArtyMiss and Meiyu........lost the thread. Unfortunately Cala sent my kid back to me so I definitley do not want any others! I do not know wha to do with the one I have. In fact my kid came home Saturday to tell us he is changing his major with only 9 more classes to go to finish it! So I am speechless............... and he has no clue what he is changing it to! So Cala......please reconsider................. I will throw in a very special pink brug!

anyway, I am trying to get it to root, first attempt all rotted............ will try another way!! Are you guys sure it wll winter over in your zones? It is evergreen.

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Hahaha...that's okay, Kell, I'm starting to think mine might not ever leave anyway. He's come up with some insane idea that maybe if he flunks the only class he needs to graduate, English, he can get another full year of free art and language classes!!
It's such a shame about the failed rooting...but if it works this time, I think it'll be fine here. I'm not sure what winter overing is, but if that means make it through the winter without frostbite, it should be fine. My winters are very mild, so perhaps I could keep the roots warm and cover it up during freezing?

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

you are no 1 on the list Meiyu! it is a beautiful vine! Cala has given me lessons so there is hope!

My kid could not wait to leave me. In fact he really wanted to go as far away from me as possible and go across the country to school............ but I insisted he stay in California. should have let him go........LOL!!!

now that i think about it, my vine has never even shown frost burn, so probably will be ok!
you need to get good roots on though, in the ground before freeze so that it has a chance of surviving even if they die down to the ground.

What caught your interest Meiyu, in gardening? You sure are jumping in with both feet!

Cullman, AL(Zone 7a)

Hmmm, I am pretty sure it will...I might take it in anyway just to be is soooo pretty!!!

Oh COme on now....I was packing up and getting ready to send my 15 year old that way!!! You can send her back after she gets her law degree and can afford to buy a big house for Momma...LOL!!!

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Hahaha...I dive head first into just about everything I do, but my mother had a prize-winning oriental garden in Tampa when I was very young, and envied for all her gardens since. When Daddy got sick with his second cancer, her dementia worsened, and when it came time for me to come home and take care of them, her beautiful garden was covered in 5 ft high weeds. I didn't know what made me sadder, watching Daddy die, seeing my mom in a severely demented state, or not knowing what to do to get her garden back. After Daddy died, I sent Mama to Japan for a month, pulled all her weeds, and bought hundreds of dollars worth of pretty plants I had no idea how to care for. A few of them were still alive for a few days after her return, but nothing I planted survived longer than that. Fortunately, underneath all the weeds, her hundreds of iris' lived through the two years of going unwatered and uncared for, and were in bloom that month. I purchased a home 5 houses down from her, and would go everyday to try to make something else grow, failing miserably. Then the doctor said she couldn't live alone anymore, and we had to start building a house we could all fit in. I built a downstairs master for Mama, with 3 big windows overlooking the backyard, and promised her a beautiful garden someday. I have to give it to her while she can still see it...I just have to. It had to be the most difficult time in her life to loose a husband of 46 years and a home they shared for the last 30 of those, and I'm hoping to give her the serenity she once found out in the garden. The little white patio set out front; I don't know if you've seen the pic of my front yard in photos, but that's her morning coffee table from the old house. I'm quite proud of what I did out there, and she has her coffee every morning at her favorite table. But now, I really want her to want to open her curtains in her bedroom during the day (she leaves them shut, and I don't blame her...nothing but a big mess out there so far).
Oh, great, Kell!!! This is the second time this month you've got me crying!!! I hate this...hahaha...I'm supposed to be the carefree funny one who never takes anything seriously, laughs at everything, and lets nothing go unexaggerated as long it'll makes story more entertaining to others and funnier!!! The good thing is, though, you probably started thinking, awh...I'd better go root some vines for her poor little mom right now...right? Cool...whatever works!!! Hahahaha!!!

ArtyMiss...anyone who's had a 15 year old girl (by the way, I've got one of them too) knows there's no way you can trade them to GAIN something, cuz no one wants one!!! It's more like, 'if you'll take my 15 year old daughter to your house, you can have every exotic plant I have in my 600 sq ft greenhouse out back!' and I'll bet you don't have one of those either, do you? Yeah, I'm stuck keeping mine too...hahaha!!!! Mine's going to med school and buying Mama a LITTLE one-room loft cabin with no room for them, and I'm selling the big house and hiring a fulltime gardener so I can go on 30-day cruises!!!

Cullman, AL(Zone 7a)

WIsh I did have one of those greenhouses!!! I think my 15 year old girl has probably spent that much on Clothes!!

I think I like your idea about the little cabin and the hired gardener (as long as I can have a pool boy too) and the 30 day cruise!!!!

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh...great idea, ArtyMiss!!! I wanna pool boy too!!!
Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm waiting for my team to pick me up so I thought I'd check my favorite threads till they get here....

Cullman, AL(Zone 7a)

Let's name our pool boys "Guiseppi"...sound good?

I always wanted to say "oh, that's just Guiseppi the pool boy"
"can you believe!! she ran off with Guiseppi the pool boy"

san antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

hahaha...i can't name him that! i have a friend with the same name who's old, gray and fat!!! it would interfere with the visual while we're still fantasizing about the future. how about something french...francois? fredrique? stephan? no, maybe french isn't macho enough...the visual is romantic, but not enough muscle..hehehe.

oh, reminds me...HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A PICTURE OF THE WRESTLER, ROB VAN DAM??? oh, my...oh, my...!!! I'm thinking of asking to go work another show again...maybe the whole tour! i'll see if he wants to retire and just be the pool guy...he doesn't even have to clean the pool if he doesn't want to!!!!

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