Have: daturas,perilla, liatris, and others

Northern Piedmont, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi all...I've been working on my trade list. Stop by and maybe you will see something of interest. I have several wants, but of course, there are probably seeds out there that I don't know I want!
Thanks! Jean


Gainesville, FL

Hi Jean,
I have some balsam pear seeds left over from last year, the germination should still be good. I also have some rattail radish seed that you may be interested in. I would love to tarde for your Datura met. 'Black Currant Swirl'.

Middle, TN(Zone 6b)

I am interested in all of your datura types except the white. I am new to Dave's Garden and haven't had the time to post my list of seeds available for trading but if you will email me, I will send you my list.
You will find me at this site. Elena's page

Paxton, FL(Zone 8a)

I would be interested in all the daturas and the blazing star. What is the love in a puff vine like? Never heard of it. Check my have list to see if there is anything you would like. Thanks

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