Observation on creating a standard

Hamilton, Canada

I stripped all the lower leaves off my brugs to encourage them to Y sooner since they were started from seeds. I continued to remove the larger leaves leaving 1/3 growth at the top of the plants and the bottom 2/3 completely stripped. At the top 1/3 I allowed the vegative secondary growth to continue to grow, but removed the larger leaves again.

I did this because I wanted to create standards with lots of top growth instead of just the single Y formation at the top. The 2 lowest branches from the main stem have already made Ys as well as the Y at the top. What I now have are several buds both on the main stem and on the bottom 2 secondary offshoots. The secondary branches made Ys at a length of 12-16 inches.

When the plant finally blooms I'll post a picture to better show you what I did. Its turning out pretty neat!!

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