Greenage tree picture

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

here is the picture of disaster, maybe not such a disaster I will think of this as natures pruning.

Thumbnail by Southmede
Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

Poor tree, Southmede - was it an old one?

There were plenty about in my Yorkshire childhood (1950s/60s) but they seem much rarer now. I bought some in the village shop this week and it's the first time I've seen them on sale for ages - someone round here must have a tree!

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

yes we have a lot of old fruit trees which have been sadly neglected over the years. The house and garden was part of th Duke of Northumberlands estate when first built around 1900, now the house has been divided into two and we must have the orginal kitchen and servents quarters. All the apple trees didn't fruit at all two years ago then last year there was a terrific crop. But all the apples are cookers. I left several barrels by the front door and told people to help themselves because we could never use them all. I have stewed some of the greengages and they are ok cooked. There is still loads left on the tree.

Ouch poor tree!

Will you be pruning it hard this year? I love Greengages, Damsons and Plums but can't fit them into the garden with the pear, even the apple tree has to live in a big container.

Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

I reckon that this will be enough of natures pruning for this year, while the pear trees hardly have any fruit at all. The apple trees have quite a crop but the trees need to come down to make way for other projects.

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)


"the pear trees hardly have any fruit at all".

We noticed this year that the pear trees around the farmhouse we live in had hardly any blossom and now they have hardly any fruit and parts of one of them are looking exceedinlgy autumnal.

Normally these trees are covered in blossom in spring and we are about 900 miles south of you and at 500 m and I didn't expect to be experiencing the same conditions as in Northumberland.

Can you or anyone tell me why there was so little pear blossom this year?

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