The floods.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

they seem so horrible in heart goes out to all that is in harms way. Hope all of our DG friends are high and dry.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Lisa all the floods are in mainland Europe and affecting the eastern countries. it is really bad to see it on TV. a poll on TV yesterday revealed that most people thought the fllods were man made (global warming etc) and not just freak weather.

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)

The floods are in Central and Eastern Germany, Czech Republic and Austria. The poor people in Dresden and Sachsen Anhalt have been warned by the Czechs that flood water is coming down the Elbe river and are expecting it today and over the weekend - and all they can do is fill sandbags or evacuate villages and towns. It's heart-breaking to see all the damage.

We only had landlslides and they have now been cleared and there was no loss of life.

My garden is still sodden though and I don't know that I'll have any seeds to trade - what seeds were not yet ripe and were left on the plant are now a soggy mess and either germinating or mouldy.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Safe here Lisa. I'm on the mouth of the River Tees. Further upstream some of the towns and villages get flooding at times, but Middlesbrough, where I live, usually escapes it.

Some editing to correct my geography. Duh! thirty years since I did geography...

This message was edited Thursday, Aug 15th 9:05 PM

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Just got thru reading the Boston review, and it siad it was the worst flooding on the European continet since 1890. Y'all be very careful now, and keep your powder dry!!


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

thank you for checking in friends.

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

At the same time we are suffering of hot weather and bad drought here. I hope the rivers settle down soon, things have been really bad especially in Prague and Dresden.

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