cats, bit cats.

Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

on my creamsickle. you can't see the scary eyes on the brown sphinx moth cat unless your eyes are better than mine.

Thumbnail by arlene
Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I guess I'm pretty fortunate not to have cats on my brugs. I think I've had every other pest under the sun tho. Do you spray them Arlene?

Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

i have been letting them live. have been mashing more of them though, especially the hummer moth ones. the zebra long wings and gulf fritillaries are different, they can eat anything they want!

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Good attitude :o) I'm a softy when it comes to butterflies too. We have lots of gypsy moths here but I haven't had them on the brugs ... not yet [knock on wood!].

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

We have all kinds on the brugs. The fuzzy white ones are the cutest.

Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

i haven't seen fuzzy white ones. these really made a mess of my creamsickle. they were about grown so i left them, am now busy mashing hummer moth cats!!!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Gosh Arlene, I don't know how anyone can pick those big hornworms off anything. I know there must be one on my Whiskers plant, and I'm going to have to get outside early in the morning to find it, but I'll have to use a pair of clippers and remove the leaf it is on before doing the dirty deed.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I had a green with white dots tomato___ is it hornworm? It had long green antennae. It was huge and just beautiful. I could not kill it, I had to take it to a neighbors..........

Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

lol.... you should see the eyes on the brown one, they look like little rattle snakes with eyes.... maybe i can mail you mine to tke to your neighbors too.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Brugie, I'm with you. I haven't had hornworms on my brugs yet (they just better not) but on the tomatoes I use my clippers to take off the section I need to and then they get to meet my sneaker!!! yuck, what a terrible looking thing. Love the moths but yuck

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