Alan, give me back the sun NOW !!

I know it was you who stole it and I'm coooooold - went out earlier today wearing jeans and T shirt and shivered all the way home after the sun disappeared.

Well, the boys and I have decided that we are going away on Friday, get the camping gear ready tonight and go straight from school tomorrow - only trouble is that we can't decide where to go since the forecast is that it will be cold on the east coast over the weekend and the west coast is too far for a couple of days trip so I guess we'll probably go inland, maybe the peak district which isn't too far away. I have a great soft spot for Castleton and the Hope Valley, if only it wasn't always crawling with tourists. 'Course, I'm not a tourist when I go there, oh no, it's all the others. Still a short break is GREAT for recharging your batteries - pity I can't take the computer with me tho' - you'll all just have to post lots HERE so I can catch up next week.

Going to have lunch now - will check in later


hehehe, that will teach you to steal it in the first place, nice and sunny again this morning, have a good weekend jo, see you sooon.

Cad !

I'd just like to let everyone else on this forum know how you recognise someone from the Fens .... it's the person who, when you say "oh look at that poor dead seagull" , says "where?" and looks up !

Gissit back !

Jo :)

you from here then jo, lol, nbring your tent down then, you can have a seagul for dinner.

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Hi all, I just wanted to let you know I haven't abbandoned you, we've been a bit poorly this last week, but were on the mend now. The weather has helped, the sun has been showing off again today.....psssttt....thanks Alan for swipping it back!!

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

hello you ya'll! nice and sunny here today across the big pond...daisy, i was wondering where you were, me missed you! Jo, are there any charges you can press for stealing the sun? LOL! See ya! Lisa

Hey daisy, sorry you are not well, getwell and join us again, see you soon.

lisa, thers nothing she can do about it we got, and we keepin it, haha.

it was ours in the first place were easter then her we get it first we choose to share
or not
daisy wondered where you were

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