Found manettia inflata plants for 35p each!!

Or 53 cents/Euro and yes, I bought the last five! I've never seen this plant for sale here before and never, ever thought I'd find them so cheap. They need a bit of loving care but they're good sized and have lots of new, healthy growth. I also found two blooming (!) stephanotis plants, a mystery vine and what I think is a pomegranate for the same price. Talk about a shopping high. :-)

Thanks for reading my brag! :-)

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Where?? 53 €-cents? :O

At one of my favorite plant nurseries (takes 45 minutes to get there by bus and train!). I couldn't believe it but I find these great surprises all the time, just usually not so cheap. :-) The other day I found a Whitfieldia plant for about 6 Euros. I consider this expensive, LOL. There's some really great plant stores here in Copenhagen and in the surrounding area. Thanks for responding!

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

We don't have nice plant shops like that here... mostly just eprennials and outdoor plants. And everything is much more expensive here. :} Whitfeldia is a nice plant ,they have huge one in the botanical and it is blooming almost all the time. :D


Wow what a deal!!! It's getting to the point where travelling to Denmark for these plants will be cheaper than buying them here *G* Can't even find the seeds for anywhere near that price.

I think you should be crowned Queen of Plant Shopping!

Hey, Thanks Baa! I think I'd like that, although I believe I'm already the Duchess of Dumpster Diving, LOL. ;-) I don't know what it is, maybe because we're closer to the continent?? but I've felt really lucky and surprised in the plant selection here. If it wasn't for trading, I don't think I'd know half of the things I've found though and might have passed them up. Kinda cool, eh? :-)

Hey Evert, that whitfieldia plant sounds great. I hope mine will live long enough to get big too.

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