Ice fishing

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Three Irishmen are sitting in the pub watching tv, and are very interested in the programme about ice-fishing in the U.S.of A.

"What about it Pat?", asked Mick, "How about that ice-fishing, are we going?"

So the next day Pat, Mick, and Tim, fly off to Boston, on their wee holiday. On arrival in Boston, they buy all of the supplies, and equipment which they think they'll need, and head off in the direction of the frozen lakes. On arrival they stop at a general store, and buy some food and of course drink. The shop-owner asks them,
"Well guys, have you got everything, fishing rods, ice picks, bait?"
"Oh no", said Mick, "we don't have any ice picks"
So the shop-owner sold them 3 ice picks, and they left.

30 minutes later Pat comes back to the shop, "Three ice picks please".
"Why sure, but what happened, did you break them?"
"Yes, they weren't very strong.... bye"

30 minutes later, Mick comes into the shop, "Three ice picks please".
"WHAT?", exclaimed the shop-owner, "I was just about to ask how you guys were getting on with the fishing".
"Well, you know, it's not happened yet cos, you see, we can't get the boat in the water"


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