Got my fall secret swap

Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

I recieved my Secret Trade today from Violet!!!!!This is what I recieved.
elephant ear, lemon balm, cubian oregano, vietnamese mint,
catmint(walker slow), fern, babtista, canna and 1 plant that was unmarked!!!! Violet could you let me know what the plant is that lost his tag!!!!???
Thank you so much for all the great new plant's I love them all, they are soaking overnight and will be in their new home tomorrow!!!!!!!


Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

I received my secret trade today from SoCal. She sent plants that I didn`t have. Love to get something new. There was coral nymph Salvia, Lavatera-light purple, chrysanthemum parthenium-Aureum-Golden Moss, Pennisetum rubrum-red fountain grass, Scented geranimum, Mothers fern ?,Black Mondo grass,Canna-Tropicana, Spider Lily,Petasites japonica"Golden Palms",Salvia-red, Snail vine,and Cuphea. There was a mushroom plant stake in there also.I am very very happy with these and can`t wait for them to start growing. It will be a happy reminder every time I look at any of them and know that they were picked out for me. Thanks Donna, for the great plants and a wonderful variety. tiG, thank you for putting this together for everyone. Wow, I have to look these up just to find out what I`ve been missing.

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

A very big THANK YOU to my friend poppysue whose overly generous package arrived safely today and in just-dug condition. I was absolutely thrilled with her selections.

Phlox 'Laura' ( I only had the old fashioned magenta one before)

Penstemon 'Husker's Red'

Bee Balm

Iris cristata ( from the top of my wish list!)

Coreopsis 'Zegrab'

Heliopsis 'Summer Sun'

Siberian Iris 'nana alba' ( nice addition to the Siberian collection!)

Dictamus albus (gas plant, long time wish list candidate)

Lamium maculata 'Golden Anniversary' (perfect, as I have the silver one, and needed the gold one as companion to the gold variegated hostas!)

Hens and Chicks, 3 different varieties (perfect for the succulent garden!)

Geranium sanguinea 'Alba' (again, perfect, as I have just started collecting geraniums, and had only the mourning widow types).

poppysue, thank you so much, each one is new to my garden, and will be much appreciated.

tiG, thanks for making the secret trade possible.


Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

it's just so cool seeing all the plants trading gardens!!! big thrill for me when things go right:)

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

I just got my secret trade, from of all people.....TIG
WOW, what a wind fall......

I wrote down everything and forgot to bring the list with me to will try to work from memory, so many goodies.....

3 brugs, a double white, one of Eric's peachies, and herrengarten (SP?) wow wow wow

a passionvine - belotii (?)

jewel of opar - with it's jewels still on it
double red portulaca (didnt even know about them.)
coleaus - wow - what a wonderful color combination
japanese blood grass - I always wanted some...
air orchid (gotta do some research on these)
bengal canna....I cant wait to see it in bloom

** one thing that I will never remember the name, not only was it was a new one to me, it was the botanical name. (LOL)

I know I am forgetting some, I'll have to add to this list...

TIG, THANK YOU!!! not only for your lovely box full of goodies, but for organizing this great event...

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

pebble, you're probably thinking of the Caesalpina, it's also called Desert Bird of Paradise. I put mine in the ground for the summer and it took off! hasn't bloomed yet though. And the abutilons should be hardy there if you put it out in the spring.
love you and really hope I sent something you didn't have!

Bodrum, Turkey(Zone 10a)

Tig, I didnt have any of them... Well, I have passion vines of course, but not the one you sent, same with the brugs. the canna, I dont have a bengal tiger... I dont have any of them....truly. It's amazing actually.....

Thanks again Tig, you sent quite a package....

hey, I do have a questions about the coleus. I know they will bite the dust in winter right? but I want to take cuttings, do I just let them live in water the whole winter or do I pot them up and just keep them inside??

Cape May Court House, NJ(Zone 7a)

I am worried, I mailed my box on Saturday and I have not heard anything yet!!!!!!!!!!

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i mailed mine wed. and i havent heard a peep!!! worried its all dried and dead-if so i will do it again!

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

notmartha, I'm not so worried about yours yet, she doesn't come here every day. Write and ask her if it got there. Ruby, yours probably got there today and she just hasn't had time to post yet or will get there tomorrow.
Pebble, don't leave them in water, just treat them as a houseplant with good light! sunny window.

Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Will Dori Feinauer please contact me? I don't know your username....

Or if anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated. TIA


Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

she's notmartha

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

thank goodness shes not-martha!!! lol I dont like 6by9 rooms!

Bay City, MI(Zone 5a)

i mailed mine on tuesday, sure hope someone got it???? i too hope it's not all dried out either, :(

Springfield, MO(Zone 6a)


LOL! Thanks for getting ahold of me. Imagine my suprise when I came home to not one but two boxes filled to the brim with so many varieties of plants! My goodness! What a pleasant surprise and a lift for the spirit.

I look forward to watching them grow and hopefully sharing with others this time next year!

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Mine came today..From ROZ, and it was a goodie box of all kinds of plants, tropicals, houseplants and others also..Seeds too. Too many to name..Just know that I love them all and will have plenty to do this holiday weekend..

Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

Glad you liked it. Did you get both boxes?

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

i got mine today, will post later, have to make a list when all children asleep. great box Buttoneer

Clarksville, TN(Zone 6b)

I recieved my trade. Tootsie, thank you for taking the time to dig and send it. I recieved: Yellow Daisy, Sweet Annie, Ginger Mint, Horehound, Coleus, Blue Fescue, Blazing Star, Myrtle Spurge, Deadnettle, Primrose, Gaillardia, and Golden Acre Sedum & Mystery Sedum. They have all been planted and are doing well.

This message was edited Thursday, Aug 29th 8:13 PM

I feel bad because i dont know the username, but Pat from Fl thanks so much. I got my huge bax and had some very nice plants in it.
I got
2 different cannas, clerodedrum glorybower, banana, 2 differnt morning glory vines, firecracker plant, wild poinsetta, pine cone ginger, climbing fern, walking iris, and a double confederate rose. I didn't have these and I am really excited to get them in the ground. I jus thave to wait until the mosquitos die out. Thanks again. Shannan

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Shannan, it is gingerlily (Pam) that was your sender.

I want to thank Buttoneer again, didn't have time this afternoon. I got Heliconia species, a lovely fern, Bacopa, an alocasia, Ludisia discolor, cuban oregano, Iresine herbstil, rhipselis, cryptocreus, an unk. succulent, crytocreus anthonyanus, zamiocuccas, drimiopsis, another bog plant, epiphylium strictum, and a bag of exotic seeds.
I'll spend the rest of the night looking them up and then potting them. I only had one of these plants and it's one of my favorites.
Thanks so much Judy!!!!

Morris, IL(Zone 5b)

Yippie! I got my secret trade box today! And it was from dignbloom! And inside were many wonderful plants! She sent wild ginger, porcelainberry vine, summer poinsettia spurge, white campion, a really tall blue veronica(can't remember the name now), a 'Regina' coral bells, a lancaster cranesbill, suprise lily bulb, and a star of persia allium blulb(I really, really wanted one of those!)! Hope I didn't forget anything. All are happily in the ground already. Thank you dignbloom! I'm sure I'm not an easy person to find something new to send to(I DO have quite the collection!), and you did a fantastic job! I love all my planties!

Greenfield, IN(Zone 5b)

Naturpatch, you are the hardest trade I have ever had to fill - LOL! Glad there was something new for you. Hopefully the Veronica will do fine there, I do not have enough sun for it! Julie

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

I just received a huge box today with some very good size plants.

I would like to thank toadlily for sending me the following plants:
Roman Wormwood
Taro 'Green Goddess'
Red Hibiscus
Dusty Miller
Sedum 'Autumn Joy'
and "Chi Chi Bells"

Toadlily, do you have the botanical name for this plant? I am not familiar with "Chi Chi Bells"

The wormwood and dusty miller will go nicely in my 'Invest in Silver' garden. The sedum will have to be protected from the deer, as mine is pruned by them every year, so never get to see the flowers on it. This one already has buds! WOW!

I will have to put the taro in the 'Dark Side Garden', though it is not dark, as that is the only ornamental garden that gets regular water. The drought and my schedule only allows this one for more watering.

Thank you so much for everything!

Thanks again toadlily!

Paxton, FL(Zone 8a)

Thanks so much to Larkie for the great box of plants. Several of these I had really been wanting and the others I just didn't know I wanted, but will be great additions to the garden. She sent coral dwarf canna, yellow gold iris, triple orange/red center daylily, lucifer crocosmia, miniature amaryllis (butterfly, red/white), butterfly ginger (white), yellow acre sedum, potato vine, stapelia (gotta look this one up), and bromeliad. What a load! It's like Christmas isn't it? Such fun. Thanks for organizing tiG.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I got a really nice box of plants from Ruby42. Now, you gotta understand, first thing I see is this note saying "hope you don't already have these in your garden!" Now I could see me writing that note to her, but not the other way around!!!!

Let's see, there was a Hydrangea, Pineapple Coleus, two daylilies, a Nicotiana, Lespedeza, Heuchera, Bergenia, Sanguisorba menzii, Campanula, variegated Ginger Mint, Rudbeckia...and probably a couple things I've left out! (It was a VERY full box!!!) Sue, I thank you and my gardens thank you! (And I would have posted sooner, but I've been busy PLANTING!!!!)

A p.s. to my secret trade - I'm so sorry it has taken this long, but your box is on its way! With any luck you'll get everything today, in time to have fun planting this weekend (they don't call it Labor Day for nuthin' :)

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I received my secret trade yesterday. Thank you so much. I didn't have any of the ones except maybe the unknown sedum that looks a lot like mine I have. Here is what I received:

Creeping Sedum

Unknown Sedum

Mondarda Jacob Cline

Variegated Vinca

Yellow Snapdragon

Single Tuberose

Lavender Lily Black Eyed Stella

Silver King Artermisia

Thank you so much again. I really appreciate the nice selection.

Grandview, TX(Zone 7b)

I received my box from sprouts28 on Thursday (sorry for posting late but I didn't know your DG name). It was fill with all kinds of wonderful plants, none of which I already had!
Butterfly weed
Creeping Jenny
Red Salvinia
Turks Cap
Swedish Ivy
White Butterfly Ginger
Floss Flower
Peace Lily
and Yellow Orchid ? (tag got wet and can't make out the rest of it)
A large bag with all kinds of seeds
And one that I am still trying to identify
Thank you so much for adding to my garden and greenhouse!!!!!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Almost forgot. Thanks Tig for getting me in this swap at the last minute. It was great & am looking forward to the next one.

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