Got my fall secret swap

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

well, not yet, but I know there are some in the mail, and will be arriving soon.
We love to hear what you got if you're willing to share and this is a great place to say thanks to your sender. if you want to post that you're sending yours out, please post here: thanks!

This message was edited Wednesday, Aug 14th 12:58 PM

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

My secret swap came today! I was overwhelmed and speechless as I dug into that huge box! There was sedum, golden sedum. oregano, comfrey, maiden pinks, shasta daisy, moneywort, pink peony, Jessica chrysanthemum, thyme, Lychnis, Sweet Autumn Clematis, spiderwort, and packs of seeds: coreopsis, mirabilis, easter egg plant and Indica canna.

Crimson, How can I ever thank you for such a wonderful array of plants?
Most I didn't have, and I'd been wanting to start a herb garden and now I have enough to get going with no excuses. Thanks so very much, Doris

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Ohhhhhh Lucky you, Doris!!! Isn't it fun??


Clarksville, TN(Zone 6b)

Glad you like it.... I hope everything made it ok. There was so much more I wanted to put in there... guess I'm a bit silly. The people at DG were so generous with me when my seeds were washed away/seedlings froze/storms flattened my new seedlings.... well you get the idea, everyone came to my rescue.... and I have a tendency to go overboard (or so my spouse says).

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

I sent mine out Monday. I sure hope it arrives before the end of the week.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

OK the mailman pulled in beeping! A HUGE HEAVY box for me from kathy!?!
Im opening it-its my secret trade! =]
yellow chrysenthemum
shasta daisy
rudbeckia goldstrum
fragaria everbearing strawberry
torch lily
still more plants =]
spiderwort purple
oh and theres a pink one too!!! =]
balloon flower-purple
coreopsisyellow and pink!!!!!!<--wanted pink for along time
pink primrose
liatris purple
helenium hoopesii<---have to look this one up
purple aster
and an orange daylily
Thanks so very much Kathy everything looks really nice too- I will email you after i get it all planted!!!!

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

kat7, you did great!!!! it will take her all day to get all that planted!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Crimson, Everything was perfect, packed beautifully, each with its own wooden namestick. I've been planting all morning! Got all the big clumps in already! Thanks again, Doris

Hampstead, NC(Zone 8a)

I've been getting my plants ready for shipping. I thought I should let them adjust to being uprooted before I shipped them? I'm terrified they will show up doa and I want the person recieveing them to enjoy them! I'll face my fear and get them in the mail! :-)


Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Donna, there is great info on how to pack to ship in the trading primer, link at top of plant trading forum.

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Mine is leaving on the Collinsville Express today!! I did have a few of her wants, I hope she likes the rest!


Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

if we could, lets post when we mail on the one Azalea started, cause I see this one getting real long when we all start posting what we get. thanks!

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Well Evelyn - "Evelyn_in the garden", your package did arrive before the end of the week. I just got it 30 min. ago and it took me about all that time to unload your unbelievable generosity of plants.
Wow, do you have any plants left in your own garden? I am in shock and you even saw my "wish list" post

Here is what this generous lady sent me:
Ajuga ' Burgundy Glow'
Aguilegia (mixed) several
Aster novi-anglia 'Purple Dome' and Bonningdale White'
Boltonia asteroides 'Snowbank'
Campanula medium - Canterbury bells
Chrysanthemum morifolium
C. x superbum - Shasta Daisy
Dianthus 'Bath's Pink'
Echinacea 'White swan'
Hemerocallis - mixed
Iris germanica - mixed
Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens' - Black Mondo Grass
Oxalis triangularis 'Purpurea'
Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm'
Thymus 'Pink Chintz'
Trifolium repens "Purpurascens'

I can't wait to get these all planted.

Thank you soooo much Evelyn, Donna (SoCal)

Bloomingdale, NJ(Zone 6a)

Glad your plants arrived in good shape and you enjoyed your box of surprises-sorry I didn't have much on your want list, but I'm glad you were wanting the pink coriopsis. The helenium hoopsii is a new one for me too-but I saw helenium on your want list and I found them at my local perennial garden for $1 when they were clearing out some of their perennials this year. I got one for me too-so it will be interesting to see what it turns out to be!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

To my "secret swapper",

Oh, There is no rush, whoever is sending to me. It has been in the 90's and it's too hot to plant right now.

So if you miss the deadline, that's OK with me.


Hampstead, NC(Zone 8a)

Just UPS'd my shipment this morning. We are still in a drought and we are restricted from watering outside :-(
But I know the person I'm sending it to has a green thumb and will work magic on the little plants I sent :-)


Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

My secret trader e/mailed me and said her package arrived on the 12th. So I sent Agapanthus a surprise box. She says she liked it, so I am assuming that she hasn't seen this post or she would have posted about recieving it.
Hope she enjoys it!!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Here's what I received from Azalea: Imperial taro, Stapeliad, 2 unnamed sedums, unnamed Bromeliad, Rose Campion, Strawberry Begonia, Hardy Begonia, Ice Plant, Night Blooming Jasmine, Yellow Celandine Woods poppy, Dr. Seus Yellow Brugmansia. All neat plants & all potted up & in the greenhouse, waiting for the drought to let off a bit, so I can plant the hardy ones outside. I'm going to pack up my plants on Sunday night & get my husband to mail them Priority Mail first thing Monday morning. Hope my secret trader enjoys them.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Can ya'll hear me hollering?!! I just recieved my box!!! I couldn't be more happy!!! It was from Vic! What a sweetheart she is!!! You all should see the size of these plants, they are hugh!!!! I mean I kinda expected to get small plants maybe about 1' tall....but these are like nursary stock! I'm telling you they are so big and healthy that I can't get over it!! Here's what I got: Sedum(which is about 2 and 1/2' tall) and Rose of sharon(about 3' tall)
Monarda(almost 3'tall) Astilbe(about 3 1/2' tall) a rooted cutting of Winter Daphne, sweet william, hosta, iris and I even got a little magnet to hang on the fridge!! O and when I say "these" I mean these!! b/c she didn't just send like one of each of these...she sent like 5 and 6 of each one!!! O man can you tell I am thrilled??!! Thank you sooooooooo much Vic now I wanna give you a hug!

Kittanning, PA

Got mine yesterday... from onecent... and i got alot of what was on my wishlist...!! THANK YOU!!!
I got:
Lamium Shell Pink
Lamium Snow White
Lamium Silver Beacon
Jerusalem Sage
Goblin Blanketflower
Virginia Bluebells
Red Columbine and
???? Ears... Can't read it...
Can you let me know exactly what it is....
Thanks so Much,

Selah, WA(Zone 6a)

Hello SYR,

Their lion's ear's.( my is just reaching the roof top, so their talllll :-)) Am glad they made it safely.


Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Got mine yesterday from Agapanthus. She sent a large clump of my very favorite "Hens & Chicks", and three kinds of bulbs. There are Glads, Freesia and crocosmia. I've never had the last two before. I'm sure they will be pretty in the spring. I will be busy this faternoon planting them.

Thank you so much Agapanthus.

This message was edited Sunday, Aug 18th 7:35 AM

Hampstead, NC(Zone 8a)

You're right Mollybee, I didn't see the post until today, and let me tell everyone how great it was! One of my neighbors saw all the goodies and wined and cried until I gave her a bit of my bounty. So your package made more than one person happy. And am glad Azalea was pleased with hers. I felt bad that I didn't have but one thing she wanted, but with her post I see I did ok.

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

No need to feel bad - I appreciate your effort and I really will enjoy everything. I have wanted Freesia too for a long time. Thanks again.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

O Agapanthus, I am soo happy to hear that you liked your stuff. Happy that you decided to share with your neighbor too, although now I wish I had sent more!!

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

PJ, the Crocosmia will look stunning with tropicals and with daylilies!!!


Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

Azalea, if the crocosmia is red, some folks call it Lucifer or Satan come calling; it will have the reddest blooms you ever saw, and you will probably have lots more cause they do multiply if in enough sun.

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes - I have seen it - it is a neat plant!!

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I got mine from Studley yesterday.It was great,I got
phlox(little princess)
vaiegated sedum
Ornamental grass "phormium"
brugmansia seedling"Betty Marshall X"
and seeds
Morning Glory "President Tyler"
Toothache plant
and another that I couldn't read the name on the packet

they are all in great shape and I love them all!

you are the best Jeffery!!!

Bay City, MI(Zone 5a)

oh boy, two great packages came for me today via the mail lady!!!(she stayed and helped me open them), the first long box i opened had in it: blue fescue grass, sneeze weed, purple blazing star,red bee balm,torch lily(red hot poker), baloon flower(blue), and a pink obedient plant!!!!!!!THEN....i opened the second box and in it i found, the prettiest gourd!! hand painted with pretty flowers and also had a beaded necklance thru it!!!!(swan gourd), a white basket of oriental florals & spices incense sticks, a hyacinth sachet and three hand made bookmarks also made by iris(Debby)WOW, I LOVE EVERYTHING!!!!what a surprize!!!!! what a wonderful surprize Iris!!!! thank you so much, this is the greatest!!!!!!!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

WOW! I had no idea that this was a contest!

Gifts and hand made book marks. HMMMM.

I just sent some tiny plants.

Sorry, Donna.....


Maybe there would be a craft exchange sometime. I don't have anything to offer, but maybe I could learn.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

actually, CoCo just posted a craft exchange in the Home and Craft forum:)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i always like to put some extra stuff in my box besides plants!!! this week it will be on its way!!!!!=]

glad you liked everything. Sorry I had to lop off the top of the brug to get it in the box. Maybe I'll root it and send it along to you later! Tee Hee! I am trying to remember what other seed I may have sent you. No clue though.
Also, a message to whoever has me. I will be leaving for vacation on Aug. 27th. I hope I can get it before then!

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Evelyn....don't you dare feel bad about not sending "other" items. This IS a plant exchange and the extra goodies that people send are just something they like to do.

Your 20 small plants that I received from you, was a dream come true for me. They will grow nice and big and strong by next should know that. Most of the plants that I send, and other people send, are mostly small also, only a few get more establised ones.

A very happy, Donna

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Getting a little concerned here, my secret trader hasn't posted here, and she should have gotten her box several days ago.


Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Ahem, when my secret recipient gets their box, there was a little plant or two left out. I found them today, no harm done to them, just forgot to add them. I'll re send them. I feel so goofy, I'd checked her "want" list, found I had these and danged if I didn't forget them. (y'all should see the mess I make packing, there are plants, dirt, pots, newspaper and baggies all over the place.)I bring things home to pack and usually fix the boxes after everyone has gone to bed, guess I need a brighter light huh?

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I got my secret trade today from Sledder!!! What a box! Christmas in August. She sent seeds, a sack of misc little goodies, a great smelly hanger, and Lots and lots of plants.--Blacked-eyed Susan, Caladium, Curly locks ivy, columbine, daisy, Bluebeard bush, lavender, peace lily, birds nest wandering jew, hens and chickens, varigated spider , hedera helix ivy, mint, pothos, liatris and pink spirea busH!!!!! Thanks Lillie ever so much!I love house plants and with winter approaching, It is thrilling to get some new ones to watch this winter. I have heard great things about the sirea bush and will be anxious to see it next year. I think that is the fun of all this, watching something new grow and bloom, not knowing exactly what to expect. Thanks also to TIG for organizing this . I'm sure a lot of time is involved, and it is appreciated. Lou

Saucier, MS(Zone 8b)

Calalily, I received your package
today! I am so excited about all the plants!!!

Alstroemeria Red
Tropical Sunset
Passiflora Belotii

I don't have any of these. I love
all of the plants. I have already potted & put them to bed in the greenhouse. There is no need to send another package. Thanks so much for the trade & hope we can trade again.

Honeybee (Bonnie)

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Honeybee, but if I tell you one was an orchid cactus rooted cutting would you be sad I forgot it?

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