amending soil

Silver Lake, OH(Zone 5b)


Our grass in the front lawn is dying out because of the drought -- neighbors say it's because we don't really have soil, we have river silt, which won't hold water.

So, a few questions:
1. can I use watersorb crystals to keep soil moist during dry conditions?

2. Would it help to get some "real" topsoil and put it down on top of the river silt? Sort of "re-do" the entire lawn?

3. Would fertilizer help or is it a waste of time and money?

any help you can give will be GREATLY appreciated.


Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

I would suggest compost; I would topdress the lawn several times a season with good quality compost. Eventually it will work its way into your soil.

You might want to try and aerate the lawn before you spread the compost; most rental stores rents aerators very reasonably.


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