No dogs allowed

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

Two guys meet up in the park while walking their dogs, one has a doberman the other a Chihuahua The guys are hungry, so the one with a doberman says "lets go eat at that cafe across the park."
The other guy replies "We can't, not with dogs."
The doberman dude says "Don't worry just follow my lead."
With that he puts on some dark glasses, and approaches the cafe. The waiter stops him at the door and says "Sorry sir, no dogs allowed."
The chap replies "But this is my guide-dog."
The waiter says "A doberman? I never heard of that."
"The guy replies yes they use them these days, they're quite good."
With that the waiter shows him in.
The guy with the chihuahua tries the same, as he is walking in the waiter says, "Come on no dogs!"
The guy replies, "But it's my guide-dog."
The waiter replies, "Oh yeah sure, a Chihuahua!"
To this the guy exclaims "WHAT!! they gave me a Chihuahua?!!"

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