Wilting Terrestrial Orchids (was "Scorcher")

Tokyo, Japan

Baa - thanks for the advice, but as you guessed, I'v been there and done that.

Habenaria radiata's range stops about two hundred miles north of here.

Any more spraying of the garden during hot hours will do more harm than good, resulting in rotted (parboiled?) roots and fungal infections, esp. the bot. on my tropicals. Any more shade will inhibit flowering. And heaven forbid suddeningly bringing a potted terrestrial into a dark air-conditioned house - I've already stuck my finger into that electrical socket...

About the only thing I can think of is moving to Iceland or Tierra del Fuego. (actually, Evert said I could come to Finland, but I think he was just being kind :)

One other thing - an air-conditioned, humidified greenhouse... Hmm, where to solicit donations...?

Thanks for the suggestions anyway Baa - much appreciated. :)

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Of course you can come here, but think you want to leave before winter? =) My terrestial orchids are doing fine :} They're wild Dactylorhiza, growing in my flowerbed :D

Tokyo, Japan

Evert -

Are you trying to make me feel even more miserable than the heat is already doing???? :(

The big bog Dactys are first on the list of terrestials I'd like to try, but as Baa and I discussed a few weeks ago, few European nurseries are willing to ship corms to Japan, and none of the best are available domestically.

Watch out E. - you keep up with this, and you'll have a hungry, whining Californian suddenly showing up on your doorstep demanding free room and board...:):)

So I was also right about the unlimited obeisance too then? Ahh well worth a go anyway and as always it's a pleasure *G*

Why is your accomodation dark? Maybe that's another one of those I really shouldn't ask questions but I'm nosey and can live with short lived regrets.

Evert I doubt even the stout Dactyl will do well in where Lophophora lives LOL. Even my Serapias struggle when it gets dry here! They've disappeared for now, they are probably in the best place for them. The D.elata are just thinking about sleep.

Hampshire has a wealth of Dactyls they've flowered late this year. One of the roundabouts near my home is covered in them as usual. What are the Japanese customs like when it comes to plant corms?

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Hahahah :D Just let me know when you come and I'll come to Helsinki-Vantaa by bus to welcome you :}

Maybe I just have to enjoy these few rainy and cooler days when I read about your weather.. ;)

Tokyo, Japan

Baa -

"Unlimited obeisance"? did I say that? Nahh! I must have been suffering occipital lobe damage after trying to decipher certain posts in another thread on this forum...

I use "dark" in a relative sense - as opposed to "outside in full sun". Jus' what are we trying to imply here Dear Heart??? Are you still miffed at me for accusing you of grumbling? ;)

On the serious side, were you just joking when you said Dactyls wouldn't grow here? It's not always this hot, and I've always had great success with temperate Calanthe, Cypripedium, Pelanthera, and other spring-flowering
species. Unless there's some local mycorrhizal issue, couldn't I grow some robust clone of D. majalis, purpurella, or something in the maculata group? C'mon Baa - you've got me scared! :o

Evert -

I'll be arriving on the Tuesday after Baa receives the check I sent her for services rendered.... :):)

PS. Got thundershowers today - the temp. actually fell to 29 C for a few hours! First time under 30 in three weeks.

This message was edited Friday, Aug 2nd 11:21 AM


My heads far to full of fluff to fit a long term miff in *G*. As for dark houses, they worry me, people who live in them worry me more LOL.

I must apologise! If you can grow Cyprepediums well then I'm sure Dactyls will be OK too.

I've also managed to find a nursery here that supplies Dactylorhizas world wide too.


Rareplants.co.uk export tubers too.

This message was edited Friday, Aug 2nd 12:24 PM

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