allium question

Silver Lake, OH(Zone 5b)


We are new to this house and have purple globe allium (have no idea what the name of it is) in the flower box in front of our house made of brick, a very 60's thing...

They are spent now and turning brown and falling over... can I cut them back so the ugly foliage and brown heads no longer overhang the edges of the box... or?

I'd like to plant something else perennial that blooms in late summer to take over the box where they have been planted ... (suggestions?)

Can I move them out of this box to another location where they won't become such an eyesore as you walk up to our front door after they are done blooming?

Thanks for your help...

Your advice is appreciated.

Thumbnail by Janiejoy


You can certainly cut off the flower heads but always leave bulbous plant foilage until that goes brown. Without the leaves you will starve the bulb.

As for planting something, how about a low growing Campanula which will quickly fill in the space and flower for a long time over the summer.

Silver Lake, OH(Zone 5b)

Oooh Baa what a great idea!

I am in zone 5 so I think they should live here, just was checking out the database and man are these pretty!

I figure Campanula persicifolia and campanula punctata rubriflora would be a dazzling show! Sounds beautiful. Anyone got seeds? I don't have much to trade yet (just getting started in our home!

Seed: sage, oregano, money plant,
Cuttings: Sweet Woodruff, English Ivy, pachysandra. : )

Anyone interested?



I was thinking more Campanula carpatica or C. portenschlagiana, but taller Campanulas could work too! After all gardening is a big experiement and I'd love to see any pics you may have if you go ahead!

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Janie, I have seeds, just collected. Send me SASE, and they are yours.


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