My heart is breaking

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Dont know if any of you were aware that i had a very old cat-25 years-well she died last week, and i dont seem to be getting over it at all, i got her when i was pregnant with my daughter so we have been together a very long time, why even the kids left home but Lucky stayed with me.

She was a lovely tortoishell cat and she was my angel too, find it so hard i keep looking for her, i was lucky enough to be at home when the end came for my angel, i know she had a wonderful life, well the day she died i got some double cream from the supermarket for her and i watched her lapping it up, i thought old girl you are not leaving us yet, she had spent the day in the conservatory sunbathing too.And then at night she began vomiting everything back and was breathing hard,it only took her a short while to go and i thank God that i could be there. Oh how our pets can break our hearts.Not felt like even coming on the internet.

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)

don't cry darlin'.... you know your wee pet will always be with you, because you will even feel her softness through a photo.
We all say goodbye, to people, pets that we have loved, and that is sadly the way of the world.
25 years is a long time for any pet to live, and I think you should feel honoured that Lucky was with you so long.

I am sorry to hear of your loss Sheila.

Kindest regards


Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Shelia, I am so sorry for your loss. I really know the pain of losing an animal that has been with you for a long time. This past year I lost 2 of my old cats, one that was with me for 21 years the other for 19. I truly know how you feel. I still look for my Abby. Hugs to you...Lisa


I'm so sorry Lucky didn't make it through the summer. I know you've cared for her very well for her to have been with you for 25 years. She's had such a wonderful life being part of your family!

Versailles, CT(Zone 7a)


Please accept my condolences. When our 17 year old cat died I know I went into mourning and you shouldn't be ashamed to do so; cats and dogs are are part of our lives, part of our families and its natural to feel sad.

Lucky had a wonderful life and a caring family - try and feel happy about all the wonderful times you had together.

(Zone 5a)

Shelia I know it's hard to lose your baby, my heart goes out to you. I know that there is nothing I can do or say that will make it any easier but just know that you will meet again and your baby will always live in your heart.
I planted a memoral garden for mine and every time I'm out in the garden I talk to her so I don't feel like she is so far from me. I do wish you all the best in dealing with your loss and when you feel that your ready to get another kitty to love,it will help the healing process.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Savour all the good times with her Sheila and remember how Lucky she was to have a family like yours. Most of us don't have the pleasure of a pet for 25 years - that's really exceptional. Thinking of you........

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